
Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck that. Fuck that. Fuck that.

No. Absolutely fucking not. He gets lumped in with the rest of the racist cunts that are marching and being racist cunts because that’s a crowd of people. It’s OBVIOUSLY a crowd of people and it’s OBVIOUSLY a protest and he fucking just kept going!

But “No,

...unless they’re Muslim.

Reddit exploded with links. Can’t wait for everyone to get their letter from their ISP this month.

Alabama will do what they have always done for their whites: fight to uphold their white supremacy. Despite all those black folk that built that fucking State.

Yes exactly. When you are a “good kid” they have such ridiculous expectations.

I haven’t been through nearly what you’ve likely suffered in this society, bc I’m straight. However, parents get used to well-behaved offspring, & really lose sight of what real problem kids look like. I’ve had to justify some really small shit to my own parents, by reminding them that I’ve never been arrested, never

That is so real. When my parents were being less than cool about my gayness, I’d be like, I have a job and pay my own bills and never had to come back to stay at your house. Like I had to justify my existence.

FUCK YOU Alabama Government! I am so sick of people calling anything common fucking decency as political correctness since they can’t be bothered to be polite and respectful of people other than those just like them. The confederacy was a pile of racist dog shit that was founded on racist dog shit ideas. Anyone who

Oh I loved this episode! Angela Bassett was so good (and my god, that woman will be beautiful for 100 years). I was so excited when she popped up onscreen.

You know how white women are—they assume any attention from a Black man is obsession.

That’s why I’m amazed they all just sat there. When I was in 11th grade a similar incident happened and a boy got all up in the face of a teacher from India, calling him all kinds of names. Two classmates jumped right in & put him in a headlock & dragged him out of class.

Fucking Christ, it’s time we all stopped being stupid gawking bystanders when this shit happens in front of us. The more we sit silently and watch it, the more it emboldens these pieces of shit. SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. Put these hateful fucks in their place and make it known we as decent human-fucking-beings

You might’ve forgotten who the president is. Tweeting to stay relevant continued some people’s public careers until they found new ones.

But the black girl who silently refused to leave class was body slammed suspended and told she deserved it.

It’s appropriate, because she makes her living as a Cute Blonde Girl With Opinions. The entitlement comes off her in waves.

So his message to uplift young girls is going around and telling them they’re beautiful?

Goddamn. What an asshole.

Just another entry in the long-established history of male artists stealing the work of female artists, who are also inherently less visible due to the structure of the art world as a whole.