I too have encountered this.
I too have encountered this.
You’re entitled to your opinion and that’s fine. You and everyone else who wasn’t happy with it should have moved on by now. But it seems your grudges are possibly based on actual real life instances that are bringing you down. At the end of the day, Fallout 76 is just a game. Get a life.
Developers aren’t ruining the fun factor of games, the media and the trolls of the internet are. Dissatisfaction is just so much easier to acquire a ticket on a bandwagon train than a positive review.
No matter how good a game is, there will always be that one or two, or even a dozen articles that have to headline…
It’s pretty obvious the writer is one of the last few gamers in the world to just start out on Fortnite.
Yes, because of your opinion on the matter and your ever failing ability to see what no man’s sky really is, we should put our controllers down, the ones who still enjoy the game. Makes perfect sense!
So I’ve been coordinating with a random player the last few days to try and meet. I saw one of his discovered solar systems were within 500 light years from my current position.
The plan was for him to back track and we try it at that specific system.
He figured out how to get back there. I’ve been docked around there…
Yeah, following the Atlas path as the primary objective/path may lead to disappointment.
I understand the frustration this gives some of you guys. But I don’t think this an excuse to completely disregard NMS. 3 years ago, we all didn’t care about MP or massive amounts of content. We cares about one thing, exploring space with essentially endless amounts of planets and galaxies. The hype should still be…
Lol this guy. Spends 2 hours playing, spends more than 2 hours writing up review.
Interesting. This may be just a guideline. Because at level 17 now, I just evolved a cp135 pidgey into a 550 pidgeotto. A much higher multiplier than what this shows.
Congrats on making it back to WoW.
I like playing the Movie Name Game.
The problem I have with the map size of Fallout 4 is the fact that you can see how big it is in the first few seconds of using your pip boy for the first time.