“Small penis inside!”
“Small penis inside!”
How to say "I missed the point" without actually saying it.
The condition of the road surface prevents this. That and the cops hang out in the parking lot at the one end. That said, the local community wants a place they can ride their dirt bikes and ATVs. That might stimulate the local economy.
Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.
While we can speculate about the American tropes of “rugged individualism” “personal freedom” “powerful” “aggressive” etc., we also can’t discount that most of the American landscape is vastly different than that of the EU.
Anyone who would say that is incredibly sheltered or so racist that anything short of a cross-burning isn’t racist.
Trust me, there is a serious problem with racism in all of America. The big difference between the north and south is that the racists in the south are honest about being racist. Any African American, Native American or even a Halfbreed like me who has lived in both or has immediate family who has can tell you this...
1st gear: Carvana
The problem is they’re too expensive and there’s not much there in terms of options either. I really like Lucid, they look fantastic, but starting at 87K$ the competition is a little fierce against well established brands.
It is only going to get worse in 2023 and beyond. I would bet anyone that by 2026 there will be no more than 3 EV startups that have any real relevancy. I would even go as far as saying you could include Tesla, so max of 2. I think Lucid and Rivian have the best shot and then maybe Fisker other than that? I think they…
When folks say there’s no racism in the north, they tend to forget about stuff like this.
1st: I Don’t think that they will when Autopian beat them to the punch. https://www.theautopian.com/how-to-repurpose-carvana-vending-machine-towers-our-daydreaming-designers-brilliant-idea/
+1 for the stupid always-illuminated gauges. So many people these days drive at night without their lights on because of this stupid change made to cars in recent years.
“Our prejudice will never get us to 8 percent [EV profit] margins,” he said. “We have to design the vehicle totally differently. We have to manufacture it, source it and sell it totally differently. That’s been a big transition.”
The jackass driver who put the car in “autopilot”???
Ford - The tooling and processes that make up the Lightning, Bronco, Mach-E and Escape are already invested in and in production. Is it feasible to redesign the current tooling or start with a clean sheet? If the systems are modular enough, then sub-assemblies can be re-engineered for fewer fasteners, more single…
This list should have just been all the cars from the 2014 F1 season.
Ford’s greatest strength has been its marketing department. I think it’s starting to catch up to them.