Good choice. I personally want to Northstar swap one, but haven't found a roller I can afford yet.
Good choice. I personally want to Northstar swap one, but haven't found a roller I can afford yet.
I disagree. He wants to be the best at everything, while being completely incapable of handling criticism. He bought Twitter because he couldn't handle people on there mocking him. He's thrown a hissy fit over anyone not saying he's great at video games (yes, really). He wants to buy Wikipedia because they cite…
8 Grand to enable a feature the car comes with? Or $1200 a year? Oh hell no.
“Unplanned”. Nah, this is definitely planned. Anything to keep the stock price up.
The worst part was Eddie Lambert actually did recover Kmart from oblivion. But once he merged them with Sears, it all seemed like a gigantic commercial real estate scam.
I recently purchased Forza 5 for PC, and it's a hard drive hog. 162GB? That's insane.
I've driven through Florida. No.
I have 2 vehicles for submission. 1) the AMC Eagle. Odd, ahead of it’s time, and rarely ever preserved when I had one people loved it. Countless stories of “My (insert relative here) had one of these. It was great!”.
Wait, you got your Elio? I've been on their email list for production since (checks notes) 2009??!! Has it really been over 15 years??!!
Musky Elno bought Twitter so he would have his own personal online club, and be able to block people who disagreed with him. Says it all.
Also on the 97+ Aurora.
Same here. Autobahn package Aurora. I've always wanted to drive on the autobahn with one.
“But it takes all day to charge!" Charge times drop to a few hours "takes too long to charge!" Charge time drops to under an hour "well it's still not as quick as a gas pump!" Super capacitors are coming...
No, you shall be in the greys forever! Muhahahaha! (Lightning crashes, dogs howl, bats fly by)
(Applies old man hat) see kiddies, back in the brass era of cars, there were dozens of car manufacturers trying to become successful in the new exciting automobile market. A few made it, most of them didn't. Today we're seeing the same thing with electric vehicles.
So I'm old enough to remember when PCs were built in the US. Then over time, they started making them overseas, made them more of a commodity, and now one of the biggest PC manufacturers is Chinese (Lenovo). In 20, maybe 30 years, who wants to bet we'll be saying the same thing about EVs? Because BYD makes some…
Well said. The prime example of this is the Ford model T. It was a simple, cheap car that could be fixed by almost anyone, was reliable for the time, and was very much "good enough". Good enough to sell millions.
I’m not so sure. The neat thing about hydrogen is it burns clean. Therefore internal combustion engines wouldn’t need the emissions controls of today. No EGR, no catalytic converter, none of it. And due to hydrogen being stored under pressure, you wouldn’t need a fuel pump either. A hydrogen designed internal…
“Above maintenance workers” hmmmm I’m not so sure of that. I know a lot of maintenance workers who just brush off smaller job injuries, and 2 who have been badly injured by machines. I know 1 former auto tech classmate who was killed working on a heavy machine during the oil boom. I'm thinking we're under reporting.