
January 31st 2029. 1st gear: GM has declared bankruptcy again after 4 years of tariffs and investing solely in truck production. Due to the collapse of the financial markets, massive spikes in fuel costs and federal interest rates crossing %20, American car buyers are buying more fuel efficient vehicles including

Tesla was the deadliest car manufacturer in this study" That seems odd. There's only one Tesla on this list, and they're supposed to be one of the safer cars available 

Well, that and several manufacturers have stopped making large sedans. 

Hey, anyone who needs to regift an AWD V6 Charger or Challenger, just PM me. I'll gladly settle for the V6. 

Nah it was from New Jersey. It'll be fine. 

Hi, I'm the AMC Hornet. You may also know me as the basis for the Gremlin, the Concord, the Spirit and most famously the Eagle. 

Considering there were reports of tesla suppliers in China violating environmental laws prior to Elon showing up, I'm gonna say likely terrible 

No no no. You guys are looking at it like a human. You need to look at it like a soulless CEO. The answer is to get wages so low that you can make products from next to nothing! Then (briefly) profits go up, you retire with a massive severance package, and it's the next guys problem. Short term gain over long term

From the Wikipedia page "In the runoff of the 2022 general election, Bolsonaro lost to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.[20] On 8 January 2023, his supporters stormed federal government buildings, calling for a coup d’état. On 30 June, the Superior Electoral Court blocked Bolsonaro from seeking office until 2030 for

Quick reminder, Trump is 78 years old. His life has been luxury, failure and getting bailed out. He wouldn't release his college transcripts, has been accused multiple times of other taking his exams for him, and his business schooling is 50 years out of date. So even if Wharton did teach that, there's no guarantee A)

Future documentary "Today we're looking at the California and Texas Superfund sites, formerly Tesla manufacturing locations."

That’s what the Democrats need. A candidate with a spine. Forget this wishy washy “be nice to everyone, we can compromise!” bullshit, give people a reason to vote for the Democrats. We need a modern Roosevelt, a 21st century new deal candidate who can actually fight for progressive ideals, not someone just saying "but

It's not like the Northstar hasn't been open wheel racing before. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oldsmobile_Aurora_Indy_V8_engine

I prefer Musky Elno. 

Yugo has attempted to enter the chat, but broke down before reaching the computer. 

Preach it. I went to my local Dodge/Jeep dealer after my 40th birthday. I had 20K in savings, was willing to look at used and new old stock. Drove onto the lot with my Aurora which confused the salesman, explained I was looking for something around 15K and could pay today. He laughs at me, says there's nothing under

Exactly. Considering it made it to trial, Rivian can now seek discovery from Tesla. There's a high chance a lot of their dirty secrets are about to leak out, and it should be entertaining. 

There were several episodes where freiburger stated that their cars weren't registered. Recent one that comes to mind is the 440 samurai. 

So I’m thinking mid mounted in a short wheelbase Dodge van. Big meats out back, stubby little driveshaft connected to a 727 torque flight. Boost/nitrous optional.