
Nah. Elon most likely supported the tangerine traitor in order to get regulations cut in his companies. The thing he didn't consider is Trump won't help him past the election unless Elon continues to fill his pockets. He's a transactional politician, so unless Trump can profit off it, he doesn't care. 

Hey Jeep, take notes. Let’s get some “replica” CJ7 and XJs. Hey Ford, how about some “replica” Crown Victorias while we're at it. 

Super bright headlights, combined with super bright daytime running lights. Which in turn leads to people driving in them because they forget to turn their actual headlights on at night and drive around with no tail lights.

Oh that's easy. Popped the 455 in my $800 and a lot of fiberglass 1972 Cutlass 442. A friend was trying to pass me while honking the horn getting onto the thruway. I was in 3rd, went to put it into 4th and missed the shift, went into second at 55-60ish. Instantly blew the motor. Stupid teenage mistake. 

Funny thing, I've owned several Oldsmobiles. My family has owned several Oldsmobiles. None, and I do mean none of them, had a red interior. Even my red Aurora had the cream and brown interior. Weird. 

Now playing

He is an absolutely insane anti vaxxer. John Oliver did a section on RFK a few months ago, here’s the link. His anti vax history starts around 15 minutes into the video.

You touched on the issue pretty well. Cars are tech heavy now, to the point where some buyers actively avoid buying more expensive models to avoid excessive electronics. Being the “tech company” in that situation isn’t going to help. Not to mention even lower tier cars have enough accessories to make even a base model

Same here. I had a small custom computer side business. My whole pitch was “Build a PC for your Budget”. You would think COVID would have been a boom. Nope. Due to the tariffs, the lack of parts availability and a drop in sales I didn’t barely broke even in 2020 and 2021. Then afterwards sales dropped so low it didn't

RFK scares me the most. Walker won't get anywhere. Elno has proven himself unwilling to do the hard work time and time again. RFK however was an actual ecological lawyer with a proven track record. Assuming he actually wants the job, he could be competent. 

There's a gigantic factor that you're forgetting. During the first term Trump had sane people who would tell him "No" when he wanted to do something insane. This time it's his victory lap and he's going to surround himself with ass kissers and yes men. And unfortunately his people will pass the Senate because they

In all seriousness, Hoovers life before the presidency was wild. Give it a read when you get the chance. 

I'll second that. It doesn't seem possible for a 300 cubic inch motor to get 9mpg without extreme circumstances. A quick wiki scroll doesn't show anything that excessive, why so poor?

Hey look, photographic evidence!

Last week Behind the Bastards started their series on Theil. I didn't realyhow unhinged he was until now. 


Nah I don't think so. I personally think they'll get bought up, probably buy someone like Amazon. Then the Chinese factories will be sold to one of their homegrown EV manufacturers. Not sure how the European factory would end up. 

I owned a KZ750 in my late teens and haven't wanted a bike since. But RE bikes make me tempted. They look good and they don't cost an insane amount. 

Exactly. A large part of what crashed the markets in 1929 was Hoover imposing tariffs on imports. Guess what? Other countries did the same, investors got spooked and the markets plummeted. 

It does make you wonder if one of those tumblers will be used by some wanna be Batman. https://jalopnik.com/warner-bros-is-selling-10-official-batman-tumblers-with-1851687643