
Let's be realistic about this. Elon is abandoning his current market hoping that conservative voters will buy his (probably) more marketable cyber dishwasher. The problems are A)it's associated with fools B) it's very, VERY poorly built and C) it fails as a truck. There's a reason the people posting "doing truck

Eeeeeh. It's worked before. There's a reason there's not many foreign trucks on the roads. Granted that was only for pickups, but that's Detroit's current profit maker. 

And that Elno interview is a prime example of whats going wrong with Tesla. He had the market to himself, made some cars that were advanced for the time and seemed to keep pushing the company to innovate. But now Tesla has become shorthand for promises 10 years out, poor build quality and a psychotic CEO who bought a

It's fine. There's 3 cybertrucks coming to rescue it. No hang on, now there's 2. Wait, one. 

Nah the original H1 was great off road. The cyber dishwasher is like starting with the H3. 

As a former Soaper (Soap grind shoes) it definitely feels faddish. 

Crown Victoria. Use the 2007 Interceptor concept as inspiration, and while Ford is at it make a new Lincoln Town Car off the same platform. It's entirely doable. The Interceptor was based off the Mustang platform. Make the new Crown Victoria the same way. 

Little bit of trivia. The Oldsmobile Aurora was based off the Riviera platform. In 2001 there was supposed to be a new Riviera and Aurora, both moving up market and the 01-03 Aurora was supposed to be the Antares. GM killed the Riviera partway through development, so the Antares was rushed into being an Aurora. So if

Another vote against auto switches here. Holding down a switch for a few seconds doesn’t bother me one bit

The samurai does have low range. https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a42396790/1986-suzuki-samurai-jx-by-the-numbers/

“Good News! It's just the EGR valve. It's electronic, but it's a standard VW part. I can get it at the local AutoZone for $80. Bad news is it requires the engine to come out, the manifolds to come off and everything to be sonic cleaned and media blasted. That'll be $25,000 in advance. 

I do and they're fine in the winter. Just buy a set of good winter tires and you'll be fine

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Yeah I'll take a Model T. It'll run on damn near anything, parts are easier to get than for a Tesla, and it won't get stranded by a carwash. 

I listened to GM when they said Dexron VI is backwards compatible with DexIII. So I changed the ATF in my 2001 Aurora. It had been done at 50K, it had hit 100K, this was literally the spec GM called for, so I against my better judgement went with the DexVI. Almost immediately things didn’t feel quite right. Then it

I dunno, I had plenty of fun in my 4dr Cutlass. And maybe my fathers Grand Marquis. Also my Eagle. The Eagle was great because the 4X4 means you can go up farm tracks where cops wouldn't go...

I'm from NY and mine was just auto correct. 

Yup. Amazon carries them as well as some smaller shops. 

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I see your Batmobile, which is admittedly awesome, and raise you a Warlock, which is like the batmobile but better. It is designed to wreck other cars, has changeable loadouts, oh and like every other car in this game if you screw up you can rewind time with the literal unwreck feature.

I'll second the Yup. I think it would be a fun little off roader. Kind of like the original CJ or Samurai/ Jimny