D Flower

But not really mentioned here is what the maintenance savings is, to make an apples to apples comparison. If you’re paying more for crash repairs, but much less for maintenance, it could still come out in your favor, especially if you’re not one to get into a lot of crashes.

They  may become cheap to produce, but I’ll put money on them never being cheap to buy. Costs are passed to the consumer, savings are passed to shareholders. Capitalism is a broken system.

And if you have a proper tune it won’t roll coal. But people don’t want to hear about that.

Although I am in the nuclear industry and think it is a great way forward, I can’t forget about wind. Wind is proving to be better than solar for making power. Basically for each MW of capacity you install of wind, you need to install 2 MW of solar capacity because the wind blows more often than the sun shines.

It doesn’t matter if it was a stock Silverado or not. The CT shut down unless the other truck was in park. I bet even one of the heavier sedans out there would cause the CT to shut down its drive train, as it had nothing to do with pulling power, stock or not.

And, in all likelihood, perform that miraculous escape while being unconscious.

It’d be like falling onto concrete, technically survivable, but now you’ve got to get out of the freezing, fast flowing water after hitting the concrete, and also with the weight of a truck trying to drown you. That is if the 60 tons of truck and cargo didn’t flatten you as it smacked into the concrete behind you.

I very, very much doubt it. Lady luck would have to be kissing your ass to survive that. First you hit the water, which might as well be concrete at that point, then the trailer hits YOU.

No doubt. The plug in hybrid is truly a great option. My hornet is rated at 31 miles of electric and my work is 29.5 road miles away. Now that it’s warmed up, I’m rolling into work with 30 plus percent battery remaining, and my 4xe Jeep was the same way. Plug ins tend to go farther than what they are rated for, in my

90 grand for a tall goofy-looking sedan with an exposed trunk?!?!?!? It’s utterly amazing what the world has come to.

I saw the last eclipse from my boat in SC - so pretty cool event. I was thinking about driving from NC to see this one, but driving time to somewhere likely to have no clouds in April is pretty far, and closer locations are farther north and more likely to be a disappointment weather wise, so I think I’ll just stay

She is a national treasure. Betty White status.

On the Radio: The older I get, the more I appreciate Dolly Parton’s music.

There would be something quite unique about this too. Perhaps seeing the shadow of the moon slide along the ground so fast you can see it. I’m thinking of maybe flying my drone up a few minutes before totality and letting it record, then viewing the footage later to see if maybe 400 feet up would have a little bit of

I suppose that might be cool if you’ve got a lot of money, but having experienced a couple of eclipses, I think being on the ground is the way to go, part of the experience is the totality (I see what I did there) of the event.  By this I mean the sky gradually darkening, and the special light effects during totality,

The biggest joke-miss of the first one was that the “good” team drove Chrysler products and the “evil” team’s leader drove a Chevy, with a GMC motorhome bringing up the rear. If they’d been smart enough not to use Caravans for the rest of the... er... Caravan, they’d have had a great joke on their hands.

I never liked walking on ice, really hated riding in a car on it.

Back when the original Twister came out, I was a single guy and had a lot of single friends.

I find it strange the RAV4 and Sienna didn’t make the list when so many other Toyotas did.

Consumer Reports always has had a thing for Toyotas. Frankly, any pickup can go over 200,000 miles. The only minivan mentioned is the Honda. Any Mopar minivan can go past 200,000 easy. I’ve had 8 Caravans and Town and Country vans I’ve taken past 200,000 and two I took past 300,000. My present T&C has 240,000 miles