D Flower

Correct, but it’s not as night and day over the newer AAM 11.5 limited slip as it is off the regular open diff. I don’t think it gets more slippery than iced over forest service roads in the mountains, and that held up fine with the limited slip. Chains were needed to get down safely.

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I’m glad at lease one person saw this movie.

Very good article and tips. This isn’t the exciting stuff people go for, but it’s important.

The marketing material so far now is touting a 5 link coil rear suspension with optional airbags. Sounds great and all, but that’s exactly what the standard Ram has. Supposedly there’s different shocks and spring rates. It also lists a rear locker. With 4wd, I haven’t reached the point of needing a locker on mine.

Refinery utilization has been at all time highs, sometimes exceeding 95 percent. It’s been a perfect recipe for pushing to the point of breakdowns. The article doesn’t cover it, but there’s been several breakdowns in the Midwest as well this week.

To be fair, there was no guaranteed safe spot 2-3 hours north and the original projections had the worst of the storm in central Florida.

I saw that as well. It was posted by PPEI. 

But for someone driving an EV or just a fuel efficient gas car, being forced to drive no faster than 60 mph on a massive highway would certainly be annoying.

This. Some parent companies allow their brands to run as independent business units, but the units can still dip into the resources and sometimes parts pool that the parent company has to offer. This is mainly for companies who buy up existing brands. An example is Milwaukee who was bought by TTI. Despite being under

I’m sure the 5.4 doesn’t mind.

Nice truck, but you lost me with the 3 valve 5.4 Triton. 

Dodge or Jalopnik would be missing out on an easy dunk of a story if they don’t if they don’t get your reaction or an interview with you after getting your electric Charger. That’s assuming the production version does look like the version that’s presented.

If transmission failure is your phobia, the diesel isn’t your friend. It’s not the horsepower that kills the transmissions, it’s the torque. I’d be interested in hearing what the transmission temperature is on the newer truck when towing 8k, but if it’s anything like the other GM half tons, it’ll likely get quite warm.

With that said, the 230 mile range version(440 kWh) of the Freightliner Cascadia weights around 4,000 lbs more than the diesel counterpart. The F150 Lightning with around 100 miles of towing range weights 1300-1500 lbs more than the diesel F150.

TFL has tested this a few times, one long distance flat towing and one up and down the Ike Gauntlet. The regen works well at recovering, but it doesn’t perform miracles.

And how much will those batteries weight? That’s a big concern for most trucking companies given the weight restrictions. The Ford Lightning with the extended battery weights as much as most F250 configurations and some of the F350s. 

Sadly, this happens more frequently than it should. Several years back I was hit by a car that appeared to deliberately hit me and several others before running off. Police were able to track down the car, but couldn’t confirm the driver. A Carfax report showed that the car was in a half dozen or more collisions. A

People starving to death because a tiny European country EXPORTS less meat and dairy products to protect itself?

Commodity traders find it to be the more valuable trading card. Gasoline inventories are in better shape with 3.5 million barrels added to inventories last week, plus gasoline demand is likely peaked for the year.

Absolutely! With the assembly line moving at break neck speed.