D Flower

Out of curiosity, do you remember what those issues were in particular? Depending on what it was, I would guess they were issues that would have happened regardless of the emission fix or not. That EA288 has a few unnecessary items to make it more complex and expensive to fix. A simple thermostat requires 4 digits in

The black market is north of the border. 

I mean, there is. It’s illegal.

This. The urea equipped TDI engines run just fine with the fix, just consumes more urea. The non urea equipped engines are a ticking time bomb when fixed.

This. These tires are downright impressive for all seasons. Kumho HT51s are also pretty comparable for winter performance.

While we’d assume the additional torque on the new diesel trucks would make it a bit more unpredictable, it really isn’t that bad. The light throttle maps in the tunes really make these things a lot more controllable than the older trucks. That combined with turbo lag and ESP really has made a difference in the way

I found that pizza cutters helped pretty well in the deep lake effect snow in Michigan. 235/85/16 all season highway terrains were able to make it through some deep stuff in 2wd, which was shocking given the heavy engine and light rear. My cousin’s truck was unable to go through the same snow with 295mm tires, he

Based on the volume and speed it’s coming out that it likely a city water main, the resort neither installed or had the duty to maintain it so they bear no liability.

and the supply-chain problems that are making new cars so expensive (which, in turn, increases demand for used cars) will probably eventually get sorted out.

Very good article.

This is already done in the medium, heavy duty, marine and other off road applications. That’s where Cummins dominates. They also have the infrastructure for providing support to chassis manufacturers.

I don't think it'll happen for a while. The truck is heavier than the lightning, the battery won't be cheap. The replacement battery for a Bolt is around 15 grand. 

This. A battery to push 7,200 lbs 400 miles is not going to be cheap. 

Let’s talk about that payload and see if we can guess the weight of the 400 mile range truck.

I’m not sure of the exact details for this case and if maintenance was an issue, but brakes overheating is a safe bet as a contributing factor. The massive drums will still cool better than discs in the case of semis, as someone pointed out, the pads weight more than 40 lbs for each side of the drive axles. But they

Merry Christmas. 

Those are great questions. Some rough quick answers

the only reason they don’t use disc brakes is because they’re fucking cheap. Disc brakes are better than drums in every way.

Good choice. Personally, I’m a fan of Inconel 718 and titanium aluminide. And the temper curve of H13 tool steel is very fun.

That’s a tough spot to be in. I convinced my cousin to by the cheapest thing he could tolerate while riding out these hard times. Overpaying by x percent on a 10k dollar vehicle hurts a lot less than overpaying x amount on a 40k vehicle. For him, he ended up buying an old truck that was cheaper than the markup on a