D Flower

Oddly enough, it’s actually pretty simple and reliable. It bares the resemblance of a small engine, a cam is in place of the crank and forces the plungers(takes the place of pistons in the cylinder) to pressurize the line. The cam profile takes care of ensuring the firing order is correct.

This. Most people underestimate the cost of restoration projects in general, and by a long shot.

Definitely. Though, he’d likely leave on day one after seeing all the group think/design by committee plagued in the corporate world.  

Now playing

This. For those who haven’t seen this, here’s how a 2020 looked after one winter in Canada. 10:15 if it doesn’t autoplay from there.

Depends on your location. If you get maybe 10" at the most, the usual suspects work. If you’re in a lake effect snow area and WFH isn’t an option, ground clearance is your friend. More times than not, getting in and out of your driveway or a parking lot will be where you’ll struggle the most.

The Prius.

Wheel hub/bearing removal on most solid front axles. Instead of hitting it with your purse or using the air hammer, try this:

That’s actually a great little table saw. For those planning on purchasing their first saw, please, please, buy a good stand meant for the specific table saw you choose. It’s worth the extra 200 bucks for the proper stand.

That’s actually a great little table saw. For those planning on purchasing their first saw, please, please, buy a

Fortunately, it takes a lot to break that very specific engine if the BSM is removed. The stock turbo on a stock tune with a boost leak isn’t going through too much stress, it can support 180 hp without missing a beat.

It saves fuel and saves you money if you don’t keep the car for more than 5 years. However, the ones doing maintenance typically pay the price.

You can in North Carolina. There’s a set of requirements to drive little off road vehicles and mini trucks, but once they meet those requirement, you’re free to drive them on any 2 lane road with a speed limit of up to 55 mph, or up to 35 mph limited 4 lane roads. 

7. Volkswagen Beetle - 7 appearances

Their headlights will keep on going. 

Fwiw, they’re designed for stopping fast and able to emergency brake pretty well. It’s brake fade that’s getting them after repeated hard braking applications.

Kinja’s gray section is still broken, show pending doesn’t work, but I can see this decent reply from user Gin and panic Gin and Panic. Jalopnik, you should advocate to fix this. This can really turn away new community members, ones who help fuel those advertising analytics.

So that means compact farm tractors will need to step up to 25 hp with a DPF and SCR, or go electric. Guess I’ll need to buy the Kubota L2501 sooner rather than later. 

This. Ryobi(well, TTI), does a great job at making affordable tools. But even their lower end rider with a 50 amp battery is still 2600 bucks. Their decent zero turn is closer to 6k. 

Yeah, that’s a bit much for something designed for 40 uses. And not even 40 reliable uses.

The 2nd gen Dodge Ram Sport. These are great trucks, but they’re arguably biggest accelerant to the brodozer scene. 

The classic California Patch. For those who haven’t done it before, it’s very easy.