D Flower

7 mpg towing small loads with a car? I mean, cool, comparing quarter century technology to newer technology. My 9,000 lb truck gets the same fuel economy only when loaded down with a 6 car hauler. Modern semi trucks are even more efficient from a mpg per ton standpoint, they usually get 5-7 when towing 80,000.

4 second mark: First sign of trouble with the truck tapping the brakes

I felt dose 1 a little, and dose 2 put me down hard for a day. Oddly enough, I had a great energy boost right after feeling the symptoms of dose 1, even bigger energy boost the day after dose 2 hell. I still had some brain fog, but the 5 rep max on the bench went up 10 lbs, and I was able to do some construction work

Unless if a mechanical issue forced that turn, it looks as if the pilot completely forgot about the relationship of stall speed, bank angle and load factor. 

Since the semis are all high torque diesel engines, HP is the more valuable number. It’s why we we really don’t hear people celebrating the X15 for breaking 2000 lb-ft of torque before 1000 rpm.

I don’t blame you for sticking with the GC. At the end of the day, newer gas vehicles seem to have diminishing returns in fuel economy when decreasing the size and weight. 

Yep, there’s also plenty of videos of semi trucks dragging or pushing cars(massive blind spot over the hood) without even noticing. The same engine being used in a lighter motorhome makes any additional drag not even noticeable.

You’d be surprised. Some of the mid to upper range class A motorhomes engines that make the 6.7 Cummins feel like a toy. A lot of them are pushing 1600-2050 lb ft of torque by 1100 or 1200 RPM. The 6.7 Cummins makes peak power at 2400 RPM, the bigger engines match the 6.7's peak power not long after they’re off idle.

Yep. I think planting a few trees would be better. A small tree is surprisingly effective at stopping or slowing down a vehicle, and it doesn’t look like an obvious attempt to damage vehicles.

All good points. A great and more affordable alternative would be planting some trees that’ll grow to small or midsized. With a rock, it’s clear the intent was to smash cars, but it’s harder to make the argument with trees. 

This. A massive piece of the puzzle for house building is cheap OSB sheathing. Normally 5-10 bucks(location dependant) had gone to 25-40 bucks. 

That terrible SUV collision with a semi comes to mind...

You’d be surprised by the low throttle torque. The regular blazer didn’t have the capability to make even 100 hp at full throttle below 2800 rpm. In comparison, the stock 12 valve made a lot less hp in terms of power to weight, but accelerates just fine without a trailer. And the ev will perform even better.

Is 4 low really needed? I’ve only ever needed it on my Ram when overlanding if towing something up the trail(though, I’m not taking it on deliberately challenging places, just overlanding). Never needed it when off roading with the lifted Jetta either. That poor little thing has been bottomed out hard a few times, but

It’s better to compare it to a Touareg TDI, since that’s what it is. I’d buy the Porsche if it’s cheaper, but I actually find the VW version to be more attractive.

No fry oil conversion with this one. Heating cooking oil to 300-500 degrees in the injectors at 25,000-30,000 psi is a bad combination.

Most definitely. Visibility was likely non close to non-existent as well. Also very possible the driver was cramped in there and potentially others pushed against them too hard to properly use some of the controls. All a bad recipe for disaster. 

That ratio....

We won’t know for sure what happened in this tragedy until the investigation is over. But regardless, the vehicle is overweight, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was a contributing factor.

My father loves this feature when towing heavy with the newer Cummins. A lot of times when towing you get caught behind a semi and have to wait a while until there’s an opening. As soon as he pulls out, the engine goes to hammer down until he’s back up to speed, or another slow truck is ahead.