Dr Fishbone

Yes but if you think it’s youtube promoting excess, you weren’t alive in the 80s.

I fuckin WISH there were nanobots in the vaccine. I'd get a fourth. 

oh cool. Those bigger doors will come in handy when the adjacent car next to me is still 18 inches away. 

Nope. Too far. Ted Bundy is still Ted Bundy despite working a suicide hotline. Pence did the right thing under pressure exactly once. I said he gets to live as long as he disappears (in my hypothetical), he doesn’t get forgiven. He’s still gonna outlaw abortion and birth control and teaching biology, etc.

Meh. When I was a teenager, my 2nd favorite metal band took it's name from the amount of acceptable US deaths if Reagan decided to go all MAD on the Russkies. Same circus, new monkies.

Cool. Now tell me about vaccines and the 5g.

Are you a literal mobster sucking up the resources of your country? If so, fuck yo boat.

Betcha that Polestar is a MUCH nicer place to sit than a Bolt tho.

Anybody who wants to talk about urban planning without a degree or 200 hrs in a Cities game needs to sit down. If you zone adjacent social classes in housing next to each other, you get fires!

Please believe me when I say nooooooo fuckin way. I'll take a cab and see you in 4 hrs or whatever.

I live out here and the wife and I take the train to Glenwood all the time. Fuuuuuuck that gondola up to Iron Mountain. I've gone vertiginous in my old age.

Human catapults! People ballista! Anthro-yeet-machine!

Trains? What are you? A socialist? Hyperloopin aircar bullshit thingy it is!

As someone who gets a little squicky with heights: fuuuuuuuuuck this entirely.

Because there are at least 6 jalop commenters who will pay 60c a gallon more for "thier time."

First one to call triggered is. 🙄

#mathreked. 😂

He only comments with the time he saves not waiting at the costco pump. 🤣

I’ve waited as long as ten on a Sunday morning. I have a podcast going and my car shuts off at idle unless I have accessories blazing. I paid 3.60 a gallon 4 days ago in the Denver area. Gas prices? Hadn't noticed. 

If you’ve ever worked in retail, you know you are NEVER to stop anyone stealing.