Dr Fishbone

“The first rule of thermodynamics is that you can't win. The second rule is that you can't break even."

Yeah the Mav does look like basic transportation. I don’t mind that, because that’s all it is, but it is a bit sad. Looking it should cost less? I dunno. Not much is gonna cost less than 20k, but it aint stylin.

I personally love it when the mediocre males around here get all "stick to cars, girlie!"

Sure but there's like 60 million rural people and 290 million urban people all told. 

How's them fake electors treatin ya? Still trying to steal an election? Typical Conservative. Zero imagination. Can only accuse others of what they're already doing. 

Check out the Tulsa Massacre. Similar thing. Majority black community had a prospering community going. Lots of em owned lots of land. Then oil was discovered. Bam. All of Greenwood burned to the ground.

Only if it isn't disabled. On my phone, I have ZERO spellcheck. I can hafdaternomerables and nothing.

Bingo. This is a case of "thought I was smart. Wasn't."

It's nowhere near the best. It's fruit hanging so low that it's on the ground. 

What? No.

LIVE through the witches and

You bought a what? Well thete's your problem.

Dude who gives a fuck what Elon says on twitter? Let it go. Follow a Kardashian or some shit.

Dude fuckin Trump and SHE'S hard to watch? Eat shit. 

Some day real soon, states are gonna want to connect my vote with my ID and publish it, and somebody's gonna want to shoot me over it.

If you think water wars in the American east will be bad, you should hear about the west.

True. It's a given that I will use my gun to blow my brains out against a tree by the creek the moment my guts sprout a tumor loooooong before I defend my home against an invader with it. That's becauase a major procedure basically ends my life anyway. I mean, shitty healthcare is 300 bucks a month via my state's

I'd give up my handgun for a coloscopy. It's actually a bargain. 

Interesting. Truly you can compare the attrition rates of our roads, our restrictive healthcare system, our lousy social safety net, our "seatbelts restrict muh freedumb" culture, to war. Death rates are pretty similar. Covid has killed more Americans than ww2 and our highways kill a Viet Nam worth of Americans every

Every 75 years? Serbo-Croatian war was like the 90s. Serajevo n shit.