Dr Fishbone

Man, jokes about how much healthcare costs in the US aren’t political. I worked in a rehab center. Patients stayed about two weeks following major hospital procedures, usually surgery. Why did the place exist in a hospital complex? Cuz what are you gonna do after surgery? Stay in the hospital 2 weeks? Who can afford

Yeah... those poor, downtrodden Porche buyers just can’t catch a break. Pity.

You beat me to it. Let’s not forget the account managers, hairstylists, TV execs, public relations consultants...

OooOOoo you can have another reference joke...

Good. Then long-dead me can say it wasn’t my fault (it wasn’t).

Is this the part where I make the reference joke about sending all the account managers and telephone sanitizers on the same ship?

Yep. All happy. “I love my kids, but...” Remember: If you’re poor and downtrodden but have a family, you’ll always be poor.

Fuckin heard, yo. Same boat. Still got two hands to bail with.

Apparently, some folks were able to pull this off with teslas in Texas last year.

Friend, progress is not promised, and historically, can stall for hundreds or thousands of years at a time. I dearly hope that is not the case, as humans are certainly on the cusp of greatness or disaster with very little room for in between, but here we are.

Agreed. It’s not worth it. Besides, the ISS is planned to go down around 2030 anyway. Who knows? Maybe we get another space race and another big technology leap. The US spends too much on aircraft carriers. Put them bucks into space. Maybe some lasers n shit.

I can only assume that’s the case with most of Musk’s operations. Dude’s got good managers with vision that he checks in with and yells at before he goes back to shitposting.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Musk’s ends justify his... well you know. But I’ll take the likes of him or Gates or Branson over Bezos, who only has a rocket because all the other billionaire dickheads are doing it. He seems like the kind of guy who just checks boxes.

Interestingly, the bit about the line between skeptic and cynic comes up in one of his conspiracy thinking talks. Dude’s pretty famous. He’s been the token skeptic on some history channel stuff, he’s been sued by quacks, he even gave Dr Oz a pretty good spanking on Oz’s own show. Sagan certainly gets name-checked

Yeah I love the truck but no way on that price.


I also like the 300. They're a comfy ride and imo look miles better than a charger.

But the internet, and specifically jalopnik commentariat, are often wrong.

Ninety bucks? Viagra and cialis are available as generics these days. You can buckets of the stuff for less now, and you just have to tell a zoom NP that you won't die from sex.

The reason kids ate that shit is because ot tastes sweet.