It’s certainly not worth the way you have to drive to get the discount, plus it ALWAYS wants your location on.
It’s certainly not worth the way you have to drive to get the discount, plus it ALWAYS wants your location on.
Bingo. The cheapest rate is with the company you don’t have, loyalty bonus or no.
Man, there aren’t even acceptably safe human cars.
We’ve already normalized road death.
Lotta drivers ain’t even social-distancing my bumper. They are not looking ahead, even ten feet. Last Friday, some dickhead on my ass nearly creams the next person up because I pulled into the turn lane and traffic was fully stopped right up to the intersection (as it always is at that spot at that time of day). And…
Driving kills more people annually in the US than some wars. That’s just kills, not counting non-lethal wrecks. Apparently, driving isn’t that easy and/or lots of people don’t find puttering through traffic for hours a day fun.
Dude you can’t just say the thing and call it sarcasm. It’s legitimate political discourse now and Trump is really JFK and some guy shoots up a pizza parlor because Hillary is trafficking babies in there.
Poe’s law, my friend. Ape it well enough and you’re just parroting.
Look I’ll never buy an iphone because they cost 5x what I’m willing to pay for a phone but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I deal with another windows desktop. I have an ASUS ROG series... blazing video card, supports Occulus, runs anything at max, etc. I can open my macbook pro, log into my bank, check that the…
This is my first time being logged in here for some time. You’re right: it truly is a joke. Just the same five talking points being sea-lioned on every article by the same 25 people.
Right. Most other door handles just break the fuck off when frozen I DON’T CARE THAT IT NEVER HAPPENED TO YOU PERSONALLY.
He can give 200 million to every person running for any city council (and has). He could stop making a single dime today, and give away a million dollars a day for hundreds of years. You could make 2000 dollars an hour for 40 hour weeks from the goddam birth of Christ, never spend a dollar and you’re not even at 10%…
Or you could, you know, just not buy shit from Amazon? Fuck bezos. I don't need to pay him too.
Oh yeah, that'll never run over. Nope.
I'm sure bezos bribed em all. He always does. 200 million to EVERYONE running for city council? Sure.
Bruh... you will famously NEVER not argue with ANY reply to you, even when they agree.
First it’s “hard decisions,” then it’s “job creators,” what next? Only some of them waived swastikas? Oh wait, that was you yesterday. My bad. That’s lot of bootlicking for the week. Take friday off.
Let me tell you about when actors in the french parliament started a conspiracy theory among the 3rd estate that the king was gonna use the austrian military to crush them all.
I agree with what you’re trying to say but FFS don’t call people idiots while confusing to and too in the same sentence.
If you're hanging with swastikas, Imma call you a nazi. Oh your poor feelings.