Dr. Fartsparkles

Good God I love this record. All Caps my very well be my favorite hip-hop song of all time. Now excuse me while I go listen to it again and again and again.

I really enjoyed this episode. In fact, from a story and execution standpoint, it was probably my favorite of the season. Yet, the whole time I felt that there was something slightly missing, and by the time it ended I realized that was Donald Glover (and to a lesser extent, Chevy Chase). I know its not like there was

For some reason I read that in Woody Allen's voice. It was magical.

I would just like align my self with the Chex Quest fans as well, as that game was indeed the shit and part of an everyday balanced breakfast.

The most horrifying moment that has ever, and will ever, appear in a G-rated film. Gives me chills just thinking about it.

This episode, and that goddamn incredible final 10 minutes, have firmly planted True Detective as one of the greatest things to air on a television set. Now excuse me while I go rewatch that scene 27 more times and cry myself to sleep knowing I'll never craft something that perfect.

What can you possibly find wrong with O Brother Where Art Thou?

They end on that image and expect me to wait two weeks?! Damn you, HBO! We all know you own our lives, but you don't have to taunt us.

This is one of my favorite movies. Just absolutely beautiful. Even more impressive considering the loss of Luis Cuadrado's sight, as if he was trying to leave behind the beautiful way he saw the world before it was taken from him.