Drew Strong

It was an idiotic suggestion to begin with.

“Instead they suspend him for 5/8ths of a season”

as a crohnie, i’d like to say this makes me hate goodell more

Yeah, and Obama took credit for ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan too... how’d that work out? Jalopnik seems awfully biased lately.

It’s in the article about 1/4 of the way down. You know, after the photo of two couples having sex. You can’t miss it.

C’mon, there is a 0% chance you would have made this post if that picture didn’t exist, right? I don’t want to be overly sensitive, but the dude is either dealing with serious mental issues, serious addiction issues, or a combination of the two.

What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of

Take it easy, Goodell.

Christ he tells me to keep guessing then deletes the response.

Both of those plays were sacks. He was never a “passer”

Well, I’m truly sorry that you feel that just because people don’t share your view of a candidate means that they obviously must not have take the election seriously.

Damn! The guy’s just trying to follow the rules, and he gets punished for it. Everyone knows that in the NFL, celebrating is not allowed.

aight that’s 15,934 “stick to sports”es and 1 “stick to politics.” long way to go but keep at it bud

You should have known it was a joke when I implied I have friends.

Ophthalmologist: Something wrong?

I bet he didn’t see that happening again.

And if you told me the final score of the game in question, I would have assumed you were talking about a video game and not real life.

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Crock-Pot SCCPVP600-S 6 Quart

We should all just play soccer. There is never any violence associated with that sport around the world. Very tame fans.