Reverend Doctor Drewcifer

Your point is well made. I would also like to move on. But where to go? I have been a daily reader and this site has been a go-to for 15 years or so. Any ideas?

That was my point all along. Many thanks for understanding.

I too was frustrated, but Rushdie is so reliably bitchy that I was happy to keep turning the pages.

I just got hold of the press release for this novel. Everything in this review comes either from the PR or from the first ten pages of the novel. I'd be flummoxed to discover that it had even been read before being reviewed.

…and the opening paragraph is pure English 101 thesis statement.

"This is a wordy novel." I just read a review of Rushdie by the AVC's dedicated WWE recapper. Seriously, I miss The Dissolve.

All the downvotes. My apologies, but there it is.

Body Double is already taken, and it was awesome. Have you seen movies before, writer-of-this-article-who-I-can't-be-bothered-to-namecheck?

Whatever money AVC made from me clicking on this here BS should be forfeited.

So the next phase of the dismantling of the AVC is turning it into a lifestyle site? Didn't see this coming. I know it's wise to try and find a way to monetize content, but this is just sloppy and obvious, guys.

I've always loved WB as a studio (an irrational brand loyalty I can't explain), but seeing the RatPac logo on all of their releases is dispiriting. Ratner had the gumption and business sense to put together international funding for Warners after Legendary went elsewhere, but he still sucks as a person. Seeing the RP

Anyone else notice the distribution company logo at the front of this trailer? It's Atlas, the people behind the charming fan films and Kickstarter campaign Atlas Shrugged. They have only one other movie in the pipeline, and it stars Frankie Muniz. Is this a thing now? Are they gonna be the new Cannon Films? I

Mythbusters' audience: goateed libertarian IT guys who may collect swords.

Whenever I want to be happily sad, I listen to Delerue's score for Salvador.

It takes brass balls to mistake an ornithologist for an oncologist. That's just for the birds.

The vas array of production companies that have released the Lector movies speaks to the many rights problems Fuller is bound to have as he attempts to adapt further Harris novels. DEG, Orion, MGM, Universal, Scott Free, The Weinstein Company, Momentum. The only constant is the De Laurentiis name, which does not

Eddie may not be an oncologist, but I still recoil at the memory of the smell and taste of brass from playing euphonium in high school. It's a smell that never leaves me whenever I turn a brass doorknob or refinish a brass kettle. It is downright evil, and what's more, it turned my white gloves green over the course

Fair enough. Honey I Shrunk the Kids nabs whole sections of Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Raymond Scott's Powerhouse, Cocoon is derived from a small section of Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man with a bit of the finale from The Empire Strikes back for the structure, Legends of the Fall is a nice soundalike of Jay

I have enough knowledge of his film and concert output to make and state a reasoned opinion of his work and the extent of his abilities. More than a two sentence attempt to shut down someone else's opinion, in your case. If I sound insulting to Horner, that was not my intent. If I sound insulting to you, then

It needs to be said again and again that people's pop-culture memories are getting shorter and shorter. Georges Delerue was once a giant, as was Jerry Goldsmith. Now it's the kids with their bippin and their boppin and their Hans Zimmer braaaaaamin. Michael Kamen left behind a great body of work beyond the Lethal