
definitely gonna use it to fuck

definitely gonna use it to fuck

FWIW, this isn’t just targeting media. It’s hitting K-12 schools, universities, and all types of businesses. I work for a relatively small manufacturing company, and I received one today, but it was OneDrive instead of Google Docs.

This deserves a lot of stars for the pure effort put in. It’s the most effort I’ve seen in any kinja ever. You actually got up from your chair and did a thing!

It doesn’t matter. You’re always a highly-visible red outline to the enemy team anyway.

This is a really bad take.

What? There have been TONS of great albums and great new bands to come out in the last 6 years. Some genres have taken off and some have sort of died off. I could probably name 50 great albums to come out in the past 6 years in a wide variety of genres.

I didn’t know setting up your home WiFi was in such a desperate need for a fix.

As a woman, I find your response super disheartening and also showing a lack of understanding for what eating disorders are all about.

Did you just pull an “All Lives Matter?”

Hi, you sound like a huge prick right now. I don’t think anyone said that this is exactly the same thing as anorexia, bulimia (or whatever you think a woman’s eating disorder is) or that this man faces the same expectations and pressures a woman does.

Oh man, you have no idea how refreshing it is to see someone write that. Usually it’s the other way around unless it’s a Google app.

Dialogue of first 20 seconds:

Alternate caption:

So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick

Same here. My tolerance is pretty high. Drinks 1 and 2 only prime me for the mild buzz Drink 3 provides, and Drink 4 ends the night with a wonderful buzz-but-not-drunk feeling.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

“Leaders” don’t have time for introspection, that’s for future hires.

Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.

Basically all he’s done is “invented” a shittier fire extinguisher.