Realistically, this is terrible business when your average customer gets price-gouged left and right, but you’re comping Porsche rides.
Realistically, this is terrible business when your average customer gets price-gouged left and right, but you’re comping Porsche rides.
Do the numbers include YouTube? We watch ALL the show clips strictly via YouTube and not any of the originating apps.
They’re old and neither will die by 11/2/24, so let’s all just succumb to our inevitable votes at this point and stop discussing any of it.
Hopefully Mr. Thomas takes the offer and the drives the RV straight to hell.
Just to clarify for everyone, McDonald’s has incredible deals, but ONLY through their app. There’s Free Fry Friday’s, $2/Big Macs (a daily offer), FREE Medium Fry (w/$3 spend), 50% Off Apple Pie and plenty more.
Yes, their retail cost is expensive, but that’s the world now: you’ll be punished by a brand for trying to…
I worked in a metal fabrication plant and discovered that even the best stainless steel materials can rust (no steel is ‘rust-proof’). Furthermore, only the finest surgical-grade steels are nearly rust-proof, but that’s a cost way beyond Tesla’s ridiculous NET 90 payment terms [with their suppliers] and that’s only AF…
Yes, car prices are rising, but if you can’t afford the $59,000 trim of the newest Ford Explorer, then friggin’ buy a used Kia Soul for $20,000 and stop complaining. This is not a difficult financial decision to understand, but people demand that their cars ‘reflect’ their lifestyle, so I don’t feel bad people are…
These are all on-point and immediately destroy the article’s automated faux-praise of Bey.
Anyone remember SNL’s ‘The Day Beyoncé Turned Black?’
The MOMENT they showed mine owner Kate and Hank planning to kill Otis (Kate: ‘I never said kill!’ LOL) — I genuinely got a feeling of dread and envisioned this weekly review giving the show it’s first ‘C’ grade. Like, I just *knew* it was speeding things up at that moment due to the erroneously-short season we got.
It’s so easy to be negative and even find fault in the best of shows. I appreciate the reviews here, support the well-deserved grades and have really enjoyed this X-Files-inspired season.
It’s not unfathomable that Peter’s wife was deprived of her husband BEFORE the mass-homicide, and now the holidays are here, further magnifying his absence. Additionally, do selfish people not exist in the real world, even during times of turmoil?
If only they would update that ‘Carnival’ name.
Are they implying that lazy black folks will lead to downed airliners? Lord Jesus, pray for those two fools... on second thought, don’t.
All influencers have to have an attention-grabbing photo for their videos, so many of them use the most obnoxious one they can create since your instinct is to find ‘abnormalities’ on a screen.
So yes, Mr. Beast’s face is purposefully punchable in every video’s preview photo.
And 334BC (334 years Before Correction occurs).
I recently started reading — if looking at a terrible combination of words can be considered ‘reading’) the Daily Mail and OMG: a dumb person can, in fact, be made even MORE dumb by consuming their garbage.
This story read EXACTLY how the headline made it sound, that one of the automated robots ‘attacked’ (LOL!) an…
This is quite the non-story when something outside their vehicle caused the melting issue.
We all appreciate your opinionated facts. Thank you.
Whose credit card did George fraudulently use for the down-payment on that thing? LOL