The common denominator in ALL these stories is people with no financial education and poor decision-making skills.
The common denominator in ALL these stories is people with no financial education and poor decision-making skills.
They’re a cute-as-hell couple, so kudos to her if it can survive all of us! LOL
NO CONTEXT AS USUAL... Bill comments about Howard during his episode with Julian Lennon (John Lennon’s son) while discussing people who rib him for not getting married. Bill NEVER told Howard directly, but simply noted thinking during the past interview with Howard about how unfair it is for him to get bugged by…
I still found Afterlife to be the worse of the 2 films. It wasn’t funny and sucked.
This will sound logical to some and stingy to others, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna’ ever tip more than 20% in general. Eating out is already expensive and if a server has 4 tables with a tab of say, $100 each, they’ll get an average total tip of $80 per table ‘turnover cycle.’ Maybe they’ll share that among others…
How often do we have to remind everyone: NORMAL people always try to cure, accommodate and understand CRAZY people!
It only makes sense, as we want to be empathetic and kind, but let’s be real and admit that certain people are beyond reproach and need to be left to their own devices/crowd.
Bill’s show excels at the group-chat segment versus the written segments, so payroll will benefit from this [temporary?] lack of writers.
We had tickets to her Miami show this weekend and while we’re still flying down and going to enjoy the city, we’ve requested the full refund from Ticketmaster and won’t even bother now with the rescheduled dates. I love Madonna, but am just not willing to reward her habitual nonsense any longer.
Instagram ads are now…
All these strikes occurring among disassociated industries is definitely a harbinger of what’s to come. The entertainment industry has rarely coalesced around ‘equal pay’ to the degree it is doing now and why?- because even folks in the entertainment industry who have been scared to lose their jobs instantly (via…
Nailed it and age differences really can make/break a relationship that early on in folks’ lives. To add FAME to that equation?- oof! :-/
Folks, Bill Maher is not necessarily the star of his own show, but rather it’s some of the great GUESTS and the conversations between them. I hate how people keep saying ‘get Bill off the air’ or whatever, but he does facilitate a great format where — occasionally! — the show ends and you are enlightened.
You can be a…
Ford just seems to be on the losing end of things thanks to poor-quality parts sourcing, TERRIBLE dealer experiences/mark-ups and lackluster design in their automotibles.
Their EV roll-out has also been poorly devised, as the Mach-E should have been their 4th or 5th EV, not a ‘premier’ model few want, all things…
Tesla demands NET 90 payment terms from vendors, so of COURSE they seem to make more money -- they don’t pay it out until the following quarter while their vendors owe their own suppliers using NET 30 terms. Tesla uses the smaller guy like a bank, those fucks.
Your points are somewhat superfluous in that The White Lotus already knows those things, uses them and works so well because of them.
Ye is nobodYe in the grand scheme of things, which... speaking of schemes- Parler, ammirite’?
FOLLOW THE MONEY: Salt is cheap, but the herbs in a blend are not.
Well I now know ‘how you doin!’ LOL
You are 100% misappropriating the blame here. It doesn’t matter how many Democrats are voted into office: the system is currently set up in a manner where it will inevitably fail due to all the legal political shenanigans it allows (from Republicans, mostly). These corrupted acts — and again, they’re all legal! — are…
You’re correct. Like all products, this caters to a specific group.
Chalaza Karaoke sounds like a great new bit where James could yell at chefs in cars.