
My husband swears that eating late works his digestive system and metabolism into a frenzy, thus waking him up all hot and bothered numerous times during the night (if I feed him after 9pm versus say, around 7pm).

The nuanced effects of eating seem so different for everyone, that these studies just lead to more

Rule of thumb around here: articles with slideshows should automatically have their slideshows deleted and articles with words should have slideshows.

Not everyone who goes to prison is a murderer and not everyone who goes to prison is even guilty, for that matter. How is it possible the Law allows so much death and mayhem ‘behind bars,’ but you don’t hear a single politician exposing the grotesque occurrences. It’s definitely not a racial issue, as lots of innocent

All of these men, women, whatever — they all commit these crimes precisely because the sexual urge is for someone they CANNOT have. Sure, they can find and/or pay consenting adults for all of their conceivable fantasies to be fulfilled, but that’s booooooooring: they want the “rush” of jailbait.

Once again, fuck the they/them pronouns. This shit is why people vote for Republicans even if they HATE Republicans. Ezra was born a ‘guy’ and for intents and purposes, he can ‘be a girl’ legally, but reading this article and seeing “if they’re found culpable” for a factual, legal situation? — it clarifies how

Goddamit Ford, can you sell problem-free vehicles like other brands do?!

It does feel like all the automotive execs making $10-20+ million per year are to blame for the cost increases on the end-user’s product, right? It’s gross.

Some rules my husband and I tend to follow...

(A) One cocktail or glass of wine... More than one glass of either starts lowering the appetite and taste sensitivity, thereby decreasing the quality of the meal and increasing the bill. Terrible combo!

(B) Apps are awesome... Per WinglessVictory’s comment below, there is

I wanted to see Batgirl, but it became a tax write-off; meanwhile, The Flash is a movie I don’t care about [anymore] and it’s coming out No Matter What. JFC

OK, so that 1 minute clip? I did have to turn it off after skipping through even SOME of that, lol... It’s revolting and simultaneously an impressive feat of special effects.

I’m shocked how fucking difficult it still is for Burger King and McDonald’s to make burgers that don’t looked smashed and disgusting. Chicago’s hometown hero, Portillo’s, sells burgers that cost the same as those from Big Burger brands, but they’re all gorgeous and delicious.

“... Repackaging it in a new way that’s hyper-relevant...”

Seriously!? They think that highly of this? LOL

As I’ve struggled to watch more of thosesuperhero” movies, the more I agree with Scorsese (and a growing pool of others) that thematically and intellectually, they’re kinda’ cheap and insulting.

It’s also about media exposure too. If a really hot actor can simultaneously stop blabbing during interviews and similar set-ups, we only tend to know them by their acting skills, which — like Anja Taylor Joy, per a comment below — doesn’t make them seem incorrigible [which Chris Pratt absolutely is].

Is Diddy’s I’ma speak up” proper grammar even in written form now? I’m OK with ‘black speak,’ as culture calls it (when you actually hear it), but my eyes start crossing when I have to read it. 

CONFIRMATION: Wear latex gloves when dealing with raw butternut squash!

This all ensures Amazon’s dominance.

But she’s black, so somehow it’s racist to believe (A) she’s lying about ‘not knowing’ she had court dates to attend and it’s also possibly racist to believe (B) she’s a criminal because she just is, notwithstanding that she’s also black.

They should have filmed the gay sex scenes in a female strip club so at least the straight men would get something, FINALLY!

I can understand gay men saying “XYZ CRIMINAL is hot, I’d fuck him!”