I don’t get Chik-fil-a love. Not at all.
Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich is always ACTUALLY crispy and moist and delicious. Chick’s is always half-bland and I’ve never been impressed even when trying a different location.
I don’t get Chik-fil-a love. Not at all.
Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich is always ACTUALLY crispy and moist and delicious. Chick’s is always half-bland and I’ve never been impressed even when trying a different location.
My ex-partner would go to work RIGHT AFTER POPPING PIMPLES in the morning and man, I would see him before he left and my jaw would drop.
Excellent article about this topic. I noticed the last Star Wars film getting accolades and glowing reviews, with countless (albeit dreadful to me) articles around here reflecting the aforementioned, but I thought it was a lousy film.
Everything is hearsay here, so what’s with all the glib, anti-Swift shit. She’s a human being doing what she can to survive.
After she gave Ke$ha $250,000 to help fight off Dr. Luke and hearing that she treats her ENTIRE concert crew to a vacation anywhere in the world, I can only assume she is nice than most people…
Sorry, this bicyclist was WALKING IN THE GODDAMN STREET IN THE DARK. Blame the car, blame the relaxed/lazy driver, blame Jesus, but the lady was walking in the damn street and should not have.
All this blame on the self-driving car is pointless — the woman was on her way to picking up a Darwin Award and of course,…
Um, why does EVERY famous person have to even address a group that loves them, but deserves NO additional notoriety.
Is that what you want... “Hello, I’m Taylor Swift and I do not accept the deification of the Neo-Nazis!”
NEXT DAY: ‘Neo-Nazis’ top is the top Google search thanks to Taylor Swift and you still won’t be…
He is also oddly moody on the show, haha... he doesn’t seem in line with the other characters and his food scenes are superfluous at best (I mean, everyone he cooks for is like, ‘Why is this part happening so randomly?!’ lol)
People underestimate how often this type of relationship occurs in its own unique way across many relationship types... For gay men — including myself — this happens very often when you get the masculine-gay (who sells himself as such) and the more submissive gay, who the former prefers since it makes him ever the…
I did not expect this to be so expensive to make from the start, haha... Went to Whole Foods and every ingredient of specialty nature (the mirin, the miso paste and a smaller sake bottle) was at least $10/ea.
After getting the salmon elsewhere, I spent over $40 tonight just to make this tomorrow night! However, I have…
I still like the Republican-sponsored idea of training kids to shoot and aim really well.
Matching side-by-side portraits (in Barack’s portrait style) would have been AMAZING.
Michelle’s is just kind of lousy. Maybe they can display it at the McDonald’s in her hometown? Ugh.
Excellent advice and links! Thanks very much for that and isn’t it nice when nobody has to be ashamed of these topics? It’s a short life, so let’s all help one another make the best of it! :-)
I have a tricky question... I’ve masturbated for MUCH of my life and now have a difficult time allowing another man to successfully give me a hand job to orgasm.
I love how adamant everyone is AGAINST one of the few movies that has numerous women headlining the cast. So it’s a likely stinker... there are plenty of movies starring men that are stinkers and ain’t nobody around here got time to complain about that! This anti-women shit is very pervasive and apparently, it’s…
Right? I met some of the nicest people there even though, I found their OKC profiles right alongside their um, Fifty Shades of Gray profiles on the more unsavory dating apps, haha. That is when you really get confused and can’t figure someone’s true intentions out.
You are correct; I use the gay app Scruff and want a true date/relationship, but half the guys there simply want sex and not much else. We all have to essentially share the same stage and filter through the crowd to find one another, which is tricky thanks to the games some people play.
As a 38 year-old gay, I promise you should NEVER accept failure of dating as a lifelong sentence. There are just so many people around: please keep looking, for real. I am in some weird place with a really handsome dude who just will not act ‘normal’ (which is of course, why said Handsome Dude was available to me and…
Sometimes these terrible partners are very insidious... They hurt you and then say something sweet... They ignore you one day and then fuck your brains out and hold your hand the next... They invite you as the partner you thought they were and leave you alone as they trail off elsewhere.
Howdy! Let me advise you a bit on the seemingly identical perspective from the gay side, haha... I met a guy similar to yours — really gorgeous [in a goofy way] and tall with a kind and handsome face to boot.