
I find it helps with my health because it gives me the flexibility to go workout when I want, which helps with motivation. 

When I leave the house it's typically to go to the gym or for a run so wearing trackpants is par for the course 😂 

Wearing sweat pants is great. Wearing them all the time makes you feel like a piece of shit.

Its not like there are a ton of other good options oft synonyms of “avenge”

The Chastisers just doesn’t have the same ring to.

Didn't take long for the aws to come out. 

As mentioned before, speedometers have a variance for different reasons, inherent accuracy tolerance, tire size, etc, but GPS aren’t bang on either. Even under a clear sky a phone’s reading can be off which would effect the nav systems sensing of your speed.

But a mood rock indicates the mood of someone else, not it’s own.

Anything can be poison when consumed when consumed at a water the body can’t handle, see water toxicity.

Oxygen diffuses from the air to the body, and this diffusion is at least partially driven by its pressure, so toxicity is related to pressure. The lower the pressure of the oxygen, the lower the rate of diffusion

For your next great idea 😉 

Oddly enough, there’s actually some evidence that intense, athlete-level exercise can have a negative effect on sperm

You can take our EU, but you can never take our calender! 

There are four Avatar sequels in the works. Four. How does that equal two and a half movies? Is each one two and a half movies?

Of course its Toby, he’s a fuckin pirate! (and a good one at that! definitely recommend Blacksails)

Now playing

There’s a Top Gear, err, Grand Tour for that!

No, those exorbitant prices are the most human thing about that place. #bleedthemdry

Facebook told Gizmodo it was still investigating to determine what occurred.

Pretty fly for a white guy.

I never thought I’d buy a truck on Shopify. For a good reason. #nothappening

True, though that assumes its a clone aging a normal rate, which isn’t necessarily true. Clone Troopers aged at a faster rate. But if it is indeed 50years old, the same logic applies to Yoda, Mace, Obiwan, etc sensing it/being drawn to it by the Force. 

I could buy a clone. I do have questions for that theory as well, like, it is Yooda, why doesn’t Luke sense such a change in the force when its created? But it is more believable that reincarnated Yoda.