A couple of Easter Eggs, Nikki watching the nature film harkens back to original Fargo film with Norm Gunderson doing the same. Nikki escaping through the window was same thing Jerry Lundergard did in the Fago movie when he finally got caught.
A couple of Easter Eggs, Nikki watching the nature film harkens back to original Fargo film with Norm Gunderson doing the same. Nikki escaping through the window was same thing Jerry Lundergard did in the Fago movie when he finally got caught.
I love this show. It's a shame the big four networks can't produce anything like this. They are too concerned with violence and profanity chasing away advertisers. They also don't want complaints from the affiliates leading into local news. Fargo can have it's episodes each week run as long as they want.
Sometimes they…
My favorite character of the show is Gilfoyle. His level of contempt for everyone he works with is awesome.
So Norman just forced himself to die or did Dylan kill him,
You know when you think about it having the entire government in the Capitol in this day and age is a really bad idea. When the President gives the State Of The Union address it really puts the country in a precarious position. Obviously when it happens there is no doubt that Homeland and the Department Of Defense…
If we get one Damn It every couple of weeks I'm happy. You know the writers put it in yesterday's episode for the 24 fans. It was delivered with the Jack Bauer intensity.