
I’m curious, do you actually know anything about the KH series or are you just talking from an outside perspective? 3 pretty much wrapped up the arc that all the other games had been leading up to and this is essentially the start of a new story arc.

It’ll be broadcast via Twitch reaction streams. 

Smith for me has inhabited the same space as Tom Cruise for a number of years now. I presume they are actual flesh and blood but they barely resemble recognizable human beings, and are so walled off that whatever we see of them in public is a staged and scripted performance.

Now playing

you’re welcome. watch this one too if you haven’t already.

This was very helpful, I appreciate you. I’m a bit of a youtube rabbit-holer and you’ve all but assured me a date with destiny tonight- destiny in the form of watching this 2 hour video followed by many others of a similar topic. Salute to you kobalt.

Yeah, I somehow missed the first time I saw this story that she went after him only AFTER he tried to have her imprisoned and tortured for defamation. I mean damn.

“Sono’s quid pro quo MO big no-no”

I do not know,

All jokes aside, it’s sure starting to seem like Miller needs some mental health assistance. I hope they get it.

You’ve been playing the PS4 version on your PS5. On the same console, the PS5 version literally takes 1-2 seconds for fast travel, and I dunno about initial load, maybe 10-20 seconds? I haven’t played in a bit.

You think it’s a no-go otherwise?

Proto Man disapproves of AV Club’s articles

I’m reading it as a “how easy is it to trick Kinja into making me top commenter by endlessly replying to myself?” experiment.

Yes, thank you and shame is what motivates someone in a relationship like that to pretend that things are better than they are. It’s not just being afraid of the abusive person. It’s being ashamed that of what’s happening to you, feeling responsible for it, and needing to cover it up to prevent anyone from knowing the

Your lack of empathy is honestly disturbing. You're absolute trash and you should feel terrible about who you are as a person 

you’re a gross person.

It’s so hard, I guess someone like Rachel-Wood needs to be loud in her recovery so others can stop suffering quietly. And hopefully the more we can actually be open about it and not blame the victim, the more people will recognize when they are entering into an abusive relationship. Predators thrive on the shame of

I mean this is how abuse works, you are completely manipulated and in this case she was raped, physically and emotionally abused again and again. You just can’t give up, you just keep reaching out as best as you can, and hope one day they reach back. She said her parents kept raising concern, and I’m sure as much as

Love to see a website that’s been putting out quality content for over 20 years get hollowed out by private equity vampires!

He was definitely a highlight whenever he was on that After Midnight show that annoying Nerdist guy hosted.  Dude has mad improv chops.