Drew Pierze

Why is Whovian making the same lame joke that people have been making for 30 years about Paul and Angela? Why do 23 people find this same old tired joke amusing?

Dude, there is nothing even vaguely original anymore about that Lansbury line. It's just tired. Next you'll come up with a brilliant joke about Bowie looking like Tilda Swinton.

GojiraShei: That's the common perception (that they stopped collaborating after Hey Bulldog and Lady Madonna) but that's not really the case. For example, take Come Together. John brought in the song to the studio but it was Paul who pretty much reworked the thing by suggesting they slow the song down and by adding a

And what, exactly, about the Stones' nominated song — which was a by-the-books Stones song — was "culturally relevant?? I much preferred Cut Me Some Slack.

Bowie doesn't do anything for anyone but Bowie.