
Looks just like the Wii U version of 3U. I don’t know why everyone thought this was going to be “HD Monhun we’d waited so long for”.

Silly people.

I finally started the DLC this week, and CDPR has outdone themselves. They topped Novigrad!

Best game.

You seem to be forgetting that there’s a whole new generation of kids today that will eat this shit up the way we ate up the old movies. But also i must point out that the Japanese movie industry is much smaller than America’s, this movie was probably $50mil where as your standard Hollywood blockbuster runs $150mil.

Godzilla *is* pretty much a giant freak accident

I don’t know about those arms and hands... They look... weird.... Actually it looks like they just don’t have any flesh. Like Godzilla had a freak accident with a hotpocket, and it’s now just seared bones.