Whatever. That orange sweater begs to disagree.
Whatever. That orange sweater begs to disagree.
Just finished the whole thing and if you like the rest of the Netflix universe you'll like this one as well. Moved right along and some good fan service on the way, esp. going forward
And big families were more common. I only have 2 siblings but a 15 year gap between oldest/youngest.
Eh, Bob has nothing on fucking Buckethead, who must live on a diet of straight crystal meth.
I haven't listened, but a couple of folks are saying the leak doesn't sound finished, production wise. So a work copy essentially.
These guys should be right in my wheelhouse, but I still haven't gotten into them. I liked Kyuss fine and some of the Desert Sessions caught my attention, but no proper QOTSA so far.
Jesus, this is absolutely untrue. They are only protected from criminal misuse of their products.
I just move one key left or right on the keyboard, or sometimes just fucking caps lock the old password.
I will unashamedly say a bidet will render the lidocaine superfluous ideally. If you suffer from the roids it's the best thing ever.
Hayley Atwell pretty much destroys my (somewhat limited I'll grant you) powers of critical thinking. "Story? There was a story? and co-stars? Huh. Maybe I'll pick up on that next time through".
If she had had Ivanka's plastic surgeon we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Is the budget on this show like $5? Look at that bag, it's laughable.
Well, there it is. I never realized it was an actual fucking quote though.
He's basically Marvel Comic's Hercules, so maybe we will get a serious Herc at some point?
Have you heard anything but the hits? In the Land of Salvation and Sin is a straight up great record and Dan Baird is a solid songwriter.
Terrible how? Not the strongest songwriters, but pretty bad ass players. And to be fair, their genre doesn't really reward creativity. Jimmy Vaughn tho. Dude is a beast.
Where's my money,Honey?
Dude, I'm not even sure I've heard Nickleback. Some of us crawled up our own ass with huge music collections pretty young. I had a couple thousand albums before I was out of high school. So I know tons of obscure stuff, but have huge blind spots for radio acts I never bothered checking out. Hell, I can't name a single…
Tool was absolutely considered nu-metal in the Opiate/Undertow days.
Should have come back with "I dunno, say hair on the field?" No way he could have not answered that.