Drew Nirenberg

hmm thats interesting, we'll see what happens but that is definitely a possibility. Personally, I believe that if Adal wasn't working under CIA direction he wouldn't show himself so publicly with Haqani. It is quite possible that Lockhart did not know that Adal was working undercover in Haqani's camp. Often the most

You are right, Adal is not a public figure. Only a VERY FEW people know that he works for the CIA or is even an american citizen. There are a few conclusions I can predict after seeing him with Hiqqani. (1) Cia got wind of the coup, so they inserted him into Haqqani's inner circle so they would have at least some

I think you are right. I think that both Khan and Dar are working on behalf of the CIA. also I doubt the President would know of it… plausible deniability at its best

The CIA is always involved in everything, one way or another. It really is the only way to protect the american homeland. The CIA always looks at it from a big picture. So perhaps they found out that the embassy was going to be attacked the day of the attack. Maybe, just maybe they let it happen because they knew they

I think that the Dar Adal is not acting under the cover of a CIA operative, he is operating under the existence of a freelance terrorist. Perhaps he supplies them with weapons, strategy or supplies. Recall that his a NOC (non official cover) CIA operative. This means he is as black as it gets. "technically" he is not

Here is my take on the Dar Adal appearance: I believe that he is not bad, and his appearance does not reflect poorly on the Cia, in fact it shows how good the CIA really is. Coups don't just happen overnight, Haqqani has been gaining power for time now. The National Clandestine Branch of the CIA undoubtedly knew a