
@CassandraSays: Recap - I said that I thought the "boys will be boys" bit was a generalization of men. Some pointed out that it was not. I largely agreed and apologized for being overly sensitive. Later, I even used an example from my own life in which I explicitly stated that I evaluate individuals as individuals,

@pixieradio: I'm confrontational when the situation necessitates it; extending arguments over the internet, over perceived discrepancies in opinion that don't actually exist, is not something on which I typically waste my energy.

@crocuta: See the first paragraph of my previous comment in response to clevernamehere. From what I have experienced, it is my opinion that men and women react differently to certain situations, like relationships. If I could, I would go back in time and rephrase my comment to reflect what I meant.

@clevernamehere: I couldn't disagree with any of your first paragraph if I wanted to; I regret having said anything that sounded like the cognitive processes of men and women differed substantially, because I didn't think so to begin with. Maybe I should restate, that men and women view [i]relationships[/i]

@One Calamitous Angel: Thank you for your take on it - I was a little too quick at taking offense to it, and it does seem appropriately sarcastic to me now.

@clevernamehere: It's a good thing, then, that of all things of importance to me in my life, "points earned by clevernamehere" is not near the top of my list. As for "psuedoscience," what do you want me to do, cite from journals? Men and women are biologically and psychologically different - we approach problems

The inclusion of " boys will be boys" in the title is a little sexist, itself, which is kind of illustrative of the fact that, irrespective of the noble call for mutual respect between the sexes, we're wired differently and will inevitably fall back on generalities when "negotiations" break down.

I hadn't ever considered barefoot running until, about four months ago, I couldn't make it a half mile on the treadmill without my shins absolutely killing me. I said to myself, "you know, I wonder what would happen if I just took my shoes off." Five and a half pain-free miles later (and I'm not the type who runs

@nitrous9200: Ahh, wish I had read your post - any time it wants to access location, it gives me that error. Pretty frustrating, really, considering how much better the new version seems.

@MxPxRobbie: I'd suggest going through the Marketplace (a free .cab for all devices, even 6.1) and downloading it from there, since it'll have the most recent version.

By the time Gmail had opened past invitation-only, my firstname.lastname had been taken. I opted for a Live email instead, but the web interface doesn't hold a candle to Gmail's. I'm really looking forward to some major improvement.

I like that Patrick didn't worry about cleaning off the clutter (remote control, coffee mug, etc.) before he took his pictures - as opposed to being in an unrealistic, temporary state of cleanness/organization, his setup looks like someone actually was USING it, grabbed a camera, stepped back, and took a few shots.

@coltonwolkins: I don't have that option, but what I DO have, and thought I had tried it last night but I guess not, are the options, "Show desktop only on 1" and "Show desktop only on 2" - that disables it while still having it show up on the monitor screen.

I wish there was an easy way to REMOVE monitors in Windows 7 short of unplugging them or turning them off. I hooked up my HDTV via HDMI last night to extend my desktop but, when I switched inputs to watch TV, my computer still treated it as an active monitor.

Just keep Nationals Park niiiiiiiiiiice and empty, yes, that'll do it...

When I was living in a dorm in college (3-year on-campus housing requirement), Media Center made the school-provided analog cable bearable with its free guide information. Being able to time-shift my watching helped tremendously with me studying without distraction, too.

Switching to full-length curtains to give the feel that there is a floor-to-ceiling window or walk-out door there is a fantastic mindhack.

@ckcallen: I feel like I work for Monoprice because I've posted this so many times, but they make excellent multi-monitor, desk-mounted stands for cheap.

@fhall1: Wow, thanks for that site - I like the idea of ambient lighting, but I sure wasn't going to buy the Dioder