David Bowie

I just bought the Destiny legendary edition, which includes the original game, all expansions and a level 25 boost. Price on Jet.com? $33 tax-free, free shipping. Sure, that was a really good price but $30 for a boost is nuts.

I loved Belichick and Brady desperately trying to get the Pats fans to stop booing so they could run a play.

I wish there was a way to turn off posts about current marvel storylines for those of us using the Unlimited app. This isn’t a huge spoiler but I just can’t seem to come to this video game blog without getting comic book spoilers.

All of those are two-way streets. More of those people honored with positions of authority should give respect to those whom are expected to respect them, responsibly wield their authority, and honorably accept accountability when they fail society.

I like your comment and your name.

NFL Fines Player for Violating On-Field Dress Code; Deadspin Gleefully Spins Some Clickbait

Vibram would have spent more than $4 million defending itself in this lawsuit, and could have still lost depending on countless factors that were not in their control. It made complete financial sense to settle this for a low amount, so Vibram wisely settled. Now all they have to do is be more explicit in their

Vibram would have spent more than $4 million defending itself in this lawsuit, and could have still lost depending

A 3.75 million settlement is basically nothing for a company this size. That’s a go-away-pest payment.

A 3.75 million settlement is basically nothing for a company this size. That’s a go-away-pest payment.

I actually agree with the NFL on this one. Sure it sounds nice to let DeAngelo wear pink all year round for a good reason, but there are tons of players that also have people close to them with equally serious illnesses and other afflictions. If you let DeAngelo do this now, don’t you have to let every other player

Hello internet jackass.

No it isn’t.

No need to be a jerk to someone who made a perfectly acceptable comment.

A lot of the criticism is basically a critique of the fundraising culture in general, but I always disliked Sigma Chi in general (not each member) so let’s pile on.

He was pretty obviously pretending a bit. The more feeble he looks and builds up sympathy for himself, the harder the joke at the end would land, and it landed hard. Great stuff.

Your first paragraph/sentence didn’t need to call SRFACE delusional as that’s pretty over the top and certainly won’t help win him/her over to your argument. Your second paragraph calling SRFACE disgusting is certainly qualifies as internet shaming and is uncalled-for given the content of what you are replying to. The

I too have been seeing a ton of these in the past month or two. Were these on sale on Prime Day possibly?

So, wait, all those white people that orchestrated and carried out the school/theater/etc. shootings were actually black people?? Mind blown.