
Although I myself am not wealthy, I always go to the movies in the richest part of town, precisely so I'm seated next to Lacoste and Facconable-wearing yuppies who are probably least likely to shoot or assault me if I tell them to shut up.

The only forgivable commentary during Interstellar was the stranger next to me saying "Matt Damon" in that Team America voice.

That's nothing. I saw Crystal Skull (that Indiana Jones abortion) a few years back in a packed house (i.e., couldn't move). I sat next to a young lady, who herself was sitting next to an older man translating the entire movie into French, and her periodically asking questions in French. It took about 20 minutes of

"(Dear lord what if she dies in the next 10-15 years its gonna be even more rough for those test tube babies)"

I dunno, Inception was definitely a ton of fun, but at the end of the day it's basically just a well-executed heist movie. A really kickass, sci-fi heist movie, but it doesn't really try to tackle big ideas the way Interstellar did.

Yeah if your pilot has such limited spatial intelligence that he needs that explained to him, you've got bigger issues…

They killed off the white guy too, Wes Bentley's character who I actually wish had stayed around longer. Hell, two white dudes including Damon.

I dunno, I would prefer those kinds of robots. Gotta avoid the uncanny valley. Hell, I'm creeped out by photos of *any* slightly humanoid looking or even bipedal robots.

What really cracked me up was the pursed lips, like he had just sucked on a lemon, and the weird thing he did with his finger.

So…you say that Nolan actually tells story and Whedon didn't in The Avengers. And you apparently consider story to be a column in your movie-grading rubric.

Yeah, sad to say, but that movie just…does not hold up. At all. I remember loving it when I saw it at midnight in theaters.