I think I got this from Jalopnik years ago, but I send it out to someone talking about how they’ll be fine with their new AWD car at least once a year. Tires are definitely the most important. 4WD doesn’t matter if none of the wheels can drive...
I think I got this from Jalopnik years ago, but I send it out to someone talking about how they’ll be fine with their new AWD car at least once a year. Tires are definitely the most important. 4WD doesn’t matter if none of the wheels can drive...
Also, extra emphasis on that dog part. How well does it clean? How easy is it to sequester them in the back? How well does it carry skis inside and on top? And how quickly does it warm up when the real temp is -20F and the windchill is lower (spent a few winters in VT...complete with a lake out the backyard that…
When does the T8 (“Twin Engine” PHEV) version of the Cross Country come to the US? And if they don’t have an answer...can you tell them we’d greatly appreciate it?
Don’t fuck it up for everyone else. Translates to: Learn and follow the regulations as appropriate, be courteous in the air and on the ground, and always be curious and learning.
I’ve got an R53 Mini Cooper. The display in front of me only has a big tach and a little multi-function that I usually keep on mpg. For speed I have to look over at the center console. I don’t look that often...
0-60 is an incredibly relevant measure for those of us driving on NE parkways that have an average right lane speed in the upper 50s-mid 60s...and stop signs on 10 foot entrance lanes: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1423656,-73.4262364,3a,75y,31.92h,72.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOijjETeyi7vmwsbLPY4p6Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
You’re all wrong. What a young lawyer needs a late model, certified pre-owned Audi: http://www.audifairfield.com/certified/Audi/2014-Audi-A4-fairfield-ct-c2f725060a0e0ae7362623039eb118c0.htm
Chevy Suburban has a curb weight of 5400-5800 lbs, with a gross weight of 7300-7500 lbs (source: googled it). If those are correct, then a) can we get rid of the urban Suburbans first? And b) answering my question: no, cause the NYPD apparently and clearly has other (better?) things to do...
My brother loves to tell the story about how one day he was riding with my grandmother in her 197x W115 (?), with green naugahyde picked up from the factory, and got a flat tire. MB Roadside Assistance drives by in their M-Class (so very late 90s/early 2000s is when this happened), slows, swings a pair of u-turns and…