
Do you pay for insurance? You’ll get that money back and then some.

I think the Nissan Leaf is a perfect example in a market dominated by news of Tesla.

I disagree. A boxy Volvo 240, Toyota Land Cruiser, or XJ Jeep is beautiful in how it’s aged. This was hideous then and even more hideous now. Especially when you consider how unreliable and cheap these were assembled.

Found the cop/bootlicker.

Head coach of Swedish National Team: Rikard Grönborg


It was 40°f that whole weekend...and its been one of the warmest winters in years (thin ice). Those people are just stupid.

Only if months were 28 days long.... Did you take sex ed with Bristol?

Socialism and democratic Socialism are two completely different ideologies.

He’s wacky...but he’s genuine, honest, and informed. He has my vote because he stands by his beliefs, doesn’t flip flop and cannot be bought.

Sadly, he seems to give a lot of f***s.

Not many libs in that nasty of a truck.

And he gets a review in 15 years...at the age of 34. Welcome to the real world. Anyone who meets this predator should get a fair amount of warning for his crimes against a fellow person. A person who will live the rest of her life knowing this creep is alive and well. Should’ve thrown the book at him, for her sake.

By 19 one should know, the difference between yes and no. He raped someone. 19 or 25...he’s a predator.

Sounds exactly like Donald Trump’s quote about illegal immigrants.

Good. You can’t trash Scrubs and expect us to brush it under the rug. We’re over.

I read something on the Internet once and now I’m an expert.

Missourian here.

Game of Thrones reference. Not an insult. Just laughed at how viciously loyal you are to family.

You from Westeros bro?