
You mean, it should be so well written and scripted to the T that it feels like it is unscripted.

This person doesn’t realize that you can look up and literally see satellites with your naked eye at the right time of night? Fuck people like that.

That’s the funny thing when people try hard to use African-American instead of black. They call people from Europe African-American. They even call people from Africa, African-American.

A thousand times this. Maybe it’s just a sign that we’re not smart enough to recognize satire anymore.

I think people don’t get that it is actually making fun of those types of actions.

It’s tangential to the point, but I’d like to mention that the creator of Beavis and Butthead also created one of the smartest lampoons of tech culture at a time when that commentary was sorely needed. Culture’s not a zero-sum game. That being said, information is a fresh currency and it’s definitely worth paying

Beer bellies, yes (it is Germany after all) but I didn’t see even one ‘stache, un-ironic or otherwise outside of a 2 second flash of some sort of group pic.

As an old Spider owner, I’ve always had a serious internal conflict over the fact that the new 124, even in Abarth form, isn’t as good-looking as the Miata it’s based on.

Zagato had little to do with the Alfa SZ, it was largely done in house by Alfa Romeo and then built by Zagato

The penalty had nothing at all to do with blocking, did you even watch the race?

I know this is just maybe a mule but the shape is not dynamic and is quite slab sided/boxy. I hope the final version will include more curves.

And like the FAF, the Africar and the Basistransporter, I fear this thing will get nowhere in its intended market place.

Ugh. I like the look of it, but...

oh god it’s..... hideous

The same dusty red rocks can look disconcertingly different under very slight changes in environment.

This is factually inaccurate. SpaceX has made controlled vertical landings many times. They are attemtping to do so now on a floating barge. That is a much more complex problem

It is personal. But whats so annoying is that all you dumb paracet users think paracet works for everyone. So when one of us ibuprofen users comes over and ask for pain killer, we have to explain to you every time that paracet dont work and is shit, and that the only thing that works for us is ibux. Yet you dont

Am I the only one not impressed?

“And, if we could kill the imperial system while we’re at it, that would be great.”

Nice a new Top Gear show. Too bad it’s on Amazon Prime cause that isn’t available for two thirds of the freaking world...