You’re missing some Campari in your Negroni...
You’re missing some Campari in your Negroni...
You’re being purposely disingenuous - people don’t want concept cars to go to production, they want good concept cars to go to production. Being different and ugly isn’t the same as different and attractive. Hell, even the specs are disappointing.
This is a horrendous design. It’s entirely possible to make a great…
very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.
Technically legal is the best kind of legal.
Yes but a station wagon that older people don’t mind getting in and out of. Honestly, when I was selling cars that was like 99% the rational behind buying CUV’s. I don’t know how many older people would pass on the sedan because it was a pain getting in and out of.
Yeah I’m waiting for the whole color TV bubble to burst too.
Actually the red and black was the factrory color for the “street version” 124 Abarth, which was the homologation version of the rally car.
It’s a great way to maximize both tire wear and lap times, and that takes skill.
Imagine how terrible of a driver you have to be to 1) react to a biker kicking your car at highway speeds, 2) try to engage a retaliatory attempt to take the biker out, and 3) to then lose control of the vehicle over something that was so inconsequential and not worth reacting to.
I believe you’re thinking of deflagration vs detonation. This is an explosion, of the subsonic, deflagration variety. High explosives like TNT are detonations. Conflagrations are simply massive fires.
Yes and: they’re also designed to promote whichever services have paid the automaker to be featured in prime screen real estate. (Dear SiriusXM: please stop. I am never, ever going to subscribe to your service that was overtaken by better technology a decade ago.) They’re a perfect a example of what happens when the…
User experience (UX) professional here.
sorry to necro but this came up 8 years after this comment was posted.The fact that F1 hasn’t changed in sorts of head protection is surprising even after almost a decade
You mean, it should be so well written and scripted to the T that it feels like it is unscripted.
Beer bellies, yes (it is Germany after all) but I didn’t see even one ‘stache, un-ironic or otherwise outside of a 2 second flash of some sort of group pic.
As an old Spider owner, I’ve always had a serious internal conflict over the fact that the new 124, even in Abarth form, isn’t as good-looking as the Miata it’s based on.
Zagato had little to do with the Alfa SZ, it was largely done in house by Alfa Romeo and then built by Zagato
The penalty had nothing at all to do with blocking, did you even watch the race?
I know this is just maybe a mule but the shape is not dynamic and is quite slab sided/boxy. I hope the final version will include more curves.