This is a freak knee injury that has nothing to do with his ankles though, an was caused by the clumsiness of another Warriors’ big man. It’s not even Zaza’s fault!
This is a freak knee injury that has nothing to do with his ankles though, an was caused by the clumsiness of another Warriors’ big man. It’s not even Zaza’s fault!
I am disappointed that this information wasn’t leaked from the GM like the good ol’ days.
Apparently the D-line swim move was too effective vs 66-year-old paraplegic security force. To be fair, I think the geezer was going for a chop block.
That WAS a bargain compared to how much quarters a typical player pumped into a SF2 machine.
The MAX was great for Mega Man games, especially the later ones with the charged shots. Being able to quickly switch from turbo and charged shot is great. I never used the red slider and just pressed along the black edge of the slide area. I used this pad for all of my NES games back in the day.
Man I miss the OG enforcers
The Warriors are to face these guys 3 more times? I thought it’s supposed to be an easy schedule?
Can he sell that domain, say to Toyota?
Look kinda like a Dodge Journey. Maybe they are dumping their inventory overseas?
IT is a leader on the team?
What happened to the 2018 Name of the Year bracket? I am disappoint.
Dynasty Warriors: Dynasty Warriors 109 Xtreme Legends Ultimate. I have a faint idea what the story will be about, and which characters are there. If I am still alive though, I’d preorder it!
Yes please make that a rule, so that it keeps the prices down for those who appreciates value and dependability.
Uptown Mike Brown gettin’ down too!
My dog MAKES beer, of the cheaper variety