They are teaching kids to drive and talk on their cell phones?!?
Just replace the Ferarri emblems with this. You’ll thank me later! Now where are my Curry1's?
Hit the clubz in, a Pinzgauer!
No release on the XB1 with Kinect support? What a missed opportunity.
Parental guidance is much more effective than a rating system. I to believe that we need more guns. More guns=less traffic.
At least these guys are honest.
I work for one of the largest US retail chains, and internally, a 4 out of 5 in a survey is the equivalent of a 0 out of 5.
Sbarro should really stop messing around and stick with pepperoni.
Not fighting a fine is one thing, but a point on your record that can last a few years is probably worth taking a day off for, especially if you are truly not guilty.
I am pretty sure that’s a clear sportsmanship violation, according to the unwritten baseball rulebook.
That’s so petty. It’s not like they lost a championship game or something.
Mugen CR-Z
Eww! WTF?!
It’s much nicer looking than that Tesla mini-van
Will they release a quarter of the movie at a time?
Wow, we can’t even have a bottle of water at our airports.
No one should receive more than 1 fine for 1 violation. Some cities are just shittier than others I guess.
The cop did the right thing, especially in wet conditions. Just wait that extra couple of seconds.