
None of that shit matters when we are talking about a plane stealing crew and budget away from platforms that actually work.

I am glad I am not the only one that saw that. 30 knots per hour is about 34.53 mph per hour. Gotta go put my PIN number in the ATM machine.

Dear Thomas,

Is it seriously a word Dodge knows nothing about? (exl. Viper)

“and crashed off the top of the hill after his last run of the day”

“you look like you’ve fallen over in the playground”

Hot take: I actually like the looks of the new NSX better than the original. Am I a bad Jalop?

And I like that one.

Not being sarcastic when I say this, but it is because tanks spin, especially at speed. They are built to pivot turn in order to maneuver, which does not promote the best of handling characteristics. Also, the rubber pads on the track are not built for traction, they are built to prevent excessive damage to the road.

There is, however, a small *outward* bulge on the front armour, roughly behind the brake pedal.

They should’ve let Pierce Brosnan drive...

“Engine room! Reduce engine speed to 5%! Iceberg ahead!”

That was a Socialist light pole, Comrade.

I needed this laugh, tank you.

More than likely the “damage” to the armor was the reactive armor canisters on the side of the tank and not the actual armor.

Yuri went full Mustank leaving Parades and Politburo... never go full Mustank.

Do those come standard with TPMS? Obviously 1.5psi too low on the tracks.