
the pacing of the riffs was the most noticeable thing that stood out to me about the first episode. A little rushed, or maybe nervous? Like they were almost stepping on each other's lines, but then they really seemed to click on Cry Wilderness. That is just an amazing movie selection. It's got such a weird Pod People

MRA tears are the most delicious and savory of all tears, ever.

Can I get the Large Goblet of McWine, please?

Ok, well, aside from the fact that 90% of today's movies are crap because they are thoughtless reanimated Frankenstein's monsters of previous intellectual properties, there are still some amazing movies coming out this century.

Anyone have "This Sikh Beat"? No?

It's okay to crack jokes about terrorists/terrorism as long as it isn't "real?"

I think it's kind of a longshot.

Democratic Totally Awesomely Freedom and Bald Eagle Loving People's Republic of North Korea, I think.

Like most people, you seem to conveniently forget about lesbians. Not famous for anal, the lesbians.

Oh boy! Now TV's Frank can finally get his big payday of … 25 dollars.

…wouldn't it be six balls? Show me your math.

Don't forget gerrymandering. Still totally happening.

Are all white cab drivers 75 year old chain smoking tinfoil hat wearing talk radio listeners, or just all the ones I've ever seen?

Since he was elected to his most recently botched position by two votes (his and his wife's)… I have a couple theories on who might have been engaging in those 2 counts of fraud.