Drew Lockbox

so they thought. things are different now w/ climate change and all the twisters powered up with their own corporate sponsors. 

FF is no longer turned based and now Persona is taking away the tone deaf gay panic scenes. Whatever happened to tradition? I feel like my childhood is dead.

GM: if the public wont buy a vehicle because its not a hybrid, then we’ll just axe the vehicle all together! 

I think the one vehicle that I think Toyota Dealers are having the most trouble getting shipments in is the Sienna. Who knew that getting 35mpg and cutting your huge vehicle gas expenses in half was what people wanted?

IMO Akira was the anime to popularize anime. Now Speed Racer was more popular than Akira (to my knowledge there aren’t Akira lunch boxes/toys out there) but we were all 6 back then and really just associated it as one of many animated shows.

IMO Akira was the anime to popularize anime. Now Speed Racer was more popular than Akira (to my knowledge there aren’t Akira lunch boxes/toys out there) but we were all 6 back then and really just associated it as one of many animated shows.

the doomsayers say democracy is broken. However at the very least there are good people still out there protecting my god given right to shovel bacon grease down my pie hole 7 days a week.

Make MSG great again 

They will still find a way to lie, cheat, and deceive

Good lawd here it comes: “we not a car company, we are tech company!” 

As a RN this is like saying “sorry your dad is dead but you have to understand it was a high pressure situtation and we just didn’t have the 1.3 sec to turn on the defibrillator”

Studios nonprofit organization has been making viral videos and memes designed to promote awareness and “public understanding of the climate emergency and related issues,”

I know the Big 3 don’t get the bidness things right often but the marketing genius who suggested that if they just got rid of the smaller trucks and only sold impractical brodozers that most people don’t need for 2-3X the price was......absolutely correct.

Hogue allegedly admitted that they had committed the burglaries but blamed Kozub, claiming that they were her idea.

Other than the turkey sub I rarely get a hoagie (wegmans is cheaper and better) but I do stop in and buy the hoagie rolls to make them at home.

these cars were once briefly selling for $3-5K over sticker for their looks alone 

If AI eventually replaces every soulless corporate PR/HR employee at least I can say something good came out of it.

Toyota might sell more BX4XRTiEVZZEGVXs if people knew what the heck their letter salad of a car is

Honestly I don’t think this accomplishes much competetion wise. For the most part CEO/execs do mergers because its an easy way for them to get paid.

.I’ve brought them back to fambly and friends when driving from WV as I used to live there. Most dislike them.