Drew Lockbox

IMO chains usually start out pretty well, they get popular, go public and oversaturate. Eventually the ENDLESS REVENUE GROWTH, grinds to a halt, then the Bain Capitals of the world move in, give themselves huge salaries, cut everything (except prices) to the bone, stock their kitchens w/ the @#$$test dog food grade

PT Cruisers and New Beetles were selling for up to 5K over sticker price when they came out. They didn’t need performance people bought them for the looks. Chrysler made $$$$$ off them (low production costs, built in Mexico) perhaps more than any car they built in the past 30 years.

Italian chain comparison

With cars lasting longer and insurance rates going up, IDK why no one uses Saturn’s anti-dent panels. Its almost like I’m seeing around 1/3 of cars over 5 years old with some kind of ding or 3 on them. Sure there are panel gaps but w/ a little R&D you might be able to work w/ that.

Full-time employee hear! What exactly is this time off thing you are talking about? 

In 2016 w/ the help of GM discounts (costco/GM card/20% off sticker) I got a Sonic 1.4LT w/ AT w/ sunroof for 14.8K after taxes.

Make China Communist Again 

The ongoing failure of EVs in the country is a shame

So you are willing to tank the industry because you are too good for that 108 month subprime loan? 

I was all excited to get the weeb package and they sent me used Boruto gear. 

When they announced they would build flat screen TVs at a time when because of lower prices production had switched to China from, no not from the USA, but from Mexico I knew nothing would ever come out that vaporware factory.

GM Cruise! BMW The Ultimate auto-driving machine! Toyota Wii-Drive! no moar driving, we’ll do it ourselves, you’ll pay us $49.99/mo.

Usually dealers will take off the nitrogen tire fee if you make a stink about it.

I just plunked down 70K on a new truckasaurus. The precieved inflation I’m experiencing right now makes it all worth it. 

I imagine the 3 tiers of steak are something on the lines of

It looks like Lidl’s Fair Trade Bar (which is very good) is Tony’s. 

This app is awesome! I was just told I can afford a 75K car at 12.9% over 17 years. 

I doubt he was picked on. He was probably ignored for being just as unlikable as he is today. 

In real life I’d only have to shoot one innocent civilian to get promoted but thanks to pay to win I have to grind for weeks shooting everything that moves.

Question for a lawyer, paralegal or anyone who ever took a HS civics class outside of Florida: Who would ever take this case?