Drew Lockbox

Sure hating non-whites and women is at the top of their agenda but I’m pretty sure that preventing a ban that’s never going to happen in the gas free stove south is very high of the list on things they are mad about today.

White male nurse hear! There has been more than one occasion where I’ve stepped into a room w/ a female MD to assist her w/ whatever she needed and the patient/family just assumed I was the doctor. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE

ah the authentic pizza hut experience! 

They are building a BBQ Chicken near me. So are you saying my immaculate looking bbq branded fried chicken and beer that is served by a waitress in every single episode of every K-drama (well admittedly sometimes they go to Subway) isn’t so and I’m just getting chicken in a locker? Is TV lying to me?  

Trust me they aren’t eliminating all these jerbs. There’s just a bunch more tech workers out there who will respond to our indeed posts and will take a lot less money.

What does “Prices will start at $1475.99" mean in Porsche-speak

Beetles and PT Cruisers both 5K over sticker 

Really thought the remake was brilliant and happy they didn’t take the easy way out and make memberberries, the game. The story seems decent, the characters are more fleshed out. Cloud was more likable and nostalgia was mined for epic JRPG wackiness.

The republicians were correct, the military is too woke. 

Crypto Royale

Student loan debt never dies

I miss the days where every small bar would have Friday fish sandwich night or serve corn beef sandwiches. 

Their CGI tech was so far ahead of anyone at the time. All they had to do call was say call James Cameron and ask if he was interested in making Terminator 2033 (or y’know some other established franchise).

Polish ham sounded too sophicated. It was always called chipped ham. It was usually around $.79/pound and w/ the extra change you could pick up a deviled crab past the sell by date for $0.15.

snagged a PS5 2 days ago. I literally did nothing but notice a kid and his dad walking out of target w/ a PS5 so I asked the employee in electronics and “yea we got a few in the back but you have to buy the ragnorok ed” As far as having to buy it online they weren’t on display and not even listed in said store on

Probably because dealers saw the prices Tellurides were going for and went to Toyota screaming that they want it.

I bought an Astra for 12.5K right before cash for clunkers and Saturn’s demise. Other than the lousy AT (4 speed) it was a really fun car w/ great handling and can get you home in over a 1ft of snow. A lot of people hated it because it was too Euro w/ its 24hr only clock (seriously its not that hard people) and its

Admittedly I can’t say I’m against cancelling Budweiser. 

Given the history of NFTs he might have “purchased” a few w/ a down payment of 0.00 w/ future monthly payments of 0.00 just for marketing purposes and faux-hype.