Drew Lockbox

Watch your local news and you’ll discover that its much more damaging to society than fox news (which generally preaches to the choir) is.

QA testers have to come to the realization that they’ll never be promoted. They’ll get 100 applicants for good jobs, that’s never a problem. However its hard to find a mark who has a pretty specific talent and who will provide years of service for $16/hr.  

Remember when PA was Philly and Pittsburgh w/ Alabama in the middle? Well times have changed. PA is now Philly and Pittsburgh separated by a place where even Alabamans would go “whoa buddy let’s GTFO out of here”

Compared to Tim Hortons and something called Second Cup, Starbucks tasted like manna from heaven I don’t even like starbucks. Do better Canada. 

I’ve heard its a series that’s more for all the book readers/side stories. My only exp w/ the books is The Hobbit (which I enjoyed) and I tried multiple times but couldn’t get past the 200-300 page mark of fellowship.

almost anyone who’s ever worked a company that employs somewhere between 2 people to 500,000 people has a story how said company went cheap (labour or equipment) and ended up spending out the nose to fix their own idiocy. For example, in my profession we have wage scales. It doesn’t matter if said person is really

Takahashi says he loves making “big games” and telling stories. He finally has the relative creative freedom to do that. Also he is 55 which means he has 2-3 “big games” left before retirement.

Oh look the peasants say you can’t even make a decent avatar. Don’t listen to the jealous haters Zuck. Spend 10B, even 100B, hell leverage the entire company. It’ll be worth it to see their pathetic paycheck to paycheck faces when you unveil the most refined version of PS2 legs the world has ever seen. 

I’ve always noticed that at chains in their infancy the food is decently priced and actually pretty good. Good enough that if there is only 1-2 of these places in your city you might even drive a bit away to go there. What always seems to happen though is that the same people go to these places, revenue flatlines with

I’d stop dropping my kids off there but they are in good condition and I can get $5 credit for them. 

Do no fret justice will be served. After 5-10 years of paid administrative leave for emotional distress he’ll have to prove to his bosses that he has learned his lesson.

Don’t be shocked if they have their most profitable year ever. they’ll just go straight to seizing cash now.

Sup, I just bought a football team, and I’m a billionaire 40 times over. And I don’t have to worry about Financial Fair play because our biglargehuge club just inked at 3B dollar shirt/stadium sponsor deal w/ the company I own and no it doesn’t matter that this company who is sponsoring my shirt isn’t even worth 3

Reading this article it doesn’t sound like the game was “trashed” at all. 

foxconn making it their personal mission to turn the entire rust belt into Shelbyville.

The real hero of the story was Pepsi. 

Sysco: hey BM we have breast parts we are trying to get rid

If at any point in your life you won a “you participated” trophy, you took home a bigger prize than Bentley did.