Germany’s problem is that farmed out much of their energy security to Putin. Germany’s other problem was that they knew this could bite them in the behind and didn’t have backup plan.
Germany’s problem is that farmed out much of their energy security to Putin. Germany’s other problem was that they knew this could bite them in the behind and didn’t have backup plan.
“Oil supports everything we have,” she told the paper. “If oil goes away, we don’t have anything else.”
Gran Turismo
All of this has raised questions about what to expect from next year’s Diablo IV. Blizzard says it will only include “cosmetic” microtransactions, but even that might be too much following the controversial Immortal.
Its gross, too many people can’t control their impulses. By shopping around and doing my own research I was able to knock my payments down to $979 over 84 months.
Its better! I just get the feeling I’ll be reading, abortion?! its crunch y’know articles.
this seemed like only yesterday and hey the guy’s been out of prison for over a year now!
XC1 - remember its a Wii game. I did like the story, there just wasn’t enough of it. The combat was new-ish for the time for JRPGs but outdated today and especially comparted to XCX or XC2.
I started w/ the Odyssey 2. Just seems like a lot of games are going straight to sprites and not going cel-shaded (which I do love). The TMNT game could have looked liked the animated series.
Just wondering, do younger gamers like and/or prefer the sprite look? I’m an old, played sprite games for 20 years and I never get a nostalgia feeling w/ it. Played Triangle Strategy, and sure it’s a good game, only I felt the sprite look took away the emotion from the characters. Just feel this game would be better…
bringing the boyz back together to kick Kefka’s ass.
It took a while but the final 1/3 of the game, when you had gotten most of the abilities, the combat just shined. IMO was the best RPG combat system I ever played. I just hope you don’t start from scratch in vol 2.
I’m calling the weeb-police on you
The movie was too long, and the corporate baddie storyline was boring. However visually, there aren’t many movies that compare (maybe into the spider-verse).
2022: in boom times like today where any piece of @#$% will sell for thousands over sticker make idiotic predictions, pat yourself on the back for improvements in “efficiency” and demand an 8 figure bonus.
The best marketing is telling Americans that they can’t buy something right away.
I guess it makes bidness sense, EA could just buy the FIFA licence off Squeenix for 17 SlimeCoin in a year or 2.
the best way to combat inflation is to vaporize money in the spacewebs
US 50 from Grafton WV to Garrett Co MD is fun. Also thanks to 50 years of Robert Byrd the roads are pretty well maintained, whether that continues dunno.
Oh its Pay-to-Plunder