Drew Lockbox

Columbus, ID? you could literally live in an architecture historical landmark for what 1/10th the price?

Yea shame about Datsun. When asked the Indian engineers replied that despite their best efforts was pretty much impossible to make a car lousier than a Versa.

I’m sure spending your days hanging out zuckerberg might lower your standards about what to expect from the male species, but what is it about Bobby Kotick would make one say, yes that’s the one! It can’t be money, Sandberg has all the monies.

I have a 2016 LT 1.4 Hatch. $14.6K new after taxes and jeez after 82K it might be worth 12K today. Its a great car for the money (my previous Astra was a bit more fun to drive tho) and though not for everyone I like the quirky styling. I’ve driven other 2010s subcompacts and the Sonic is much quieter and much more

Chevy: We created the RS because some customers wanted a firmer suspension and a manual we figured we’d cater to them but we didn’t want confuse LT buyers who preferred the softer ride and wanted a bit more ride height.

Xenoblade games: 1st half is about exploration, 2nd half is about the combat. 

The federal interest rate is 0.25%. in a normal economy we could raise interest rates up to a still historically low 3% (for context in our last run of inflation from late 70s-early 80s interest rates were at 9% and had to be raised to 12%) slow/put the brakes on inflation. But noooooo we can do that either because we

Horizon sold 20 million. I don’t think Guerilla was staying up all night worrying about the attn zelda was getting.

how about staffing your establishment w/ more than 3 overworked/underpaid wage slaves?

I don’t like the term white nationalist. I just call them Maple-Nazis.

On the plus side, every dollar diverted from the US means a dollar less for the Republicans/Tea Partiers, which is good.

Using costco is worth it used it in 2016. I think you only get an extra $200ish discount (if that) but yea got an after tax and title quote on the phone for multiple cars.

got mine off bikesdirect.com They have high quality bikes cheap (shimano components, good frames etc).

Rip the NFL/FIFA licences off EA and you can pick up the company for well a lot less than activision.

There is no reason why sony is incapable of releasing a Skyrim or CoD clone. Heck it could be even better because uh competetion.

Its almost like people think Sony isn’t capable of contracting w/ a development house to make their own jingositic shooter that prints money because MS bought Activision.

nah probably your local school board 

those look sadder than Pizza Huts wings, oh Yum brands, they are pizza hut wings 

spend billions of dollars taking care of anti-vaxxers and fighting a pandemic <<<<<<<<<< OH NOES THE PRICE OF LETTUCE IS GOIN UP