
It is actually not a requirement to comment on a post. I know that’s an idea that is foreign and strange to you, but I promise you, it’ll be alright. 

Hand this team a million red flags and Reid will just throw them all on the field within the first five minutes of a half.”

Is it though. If we want to believe that our athletes should be seen as role models, this is the exact behavior to be modeled.

I’m torn when i see things like this. Initially you say “well....stupid questions by stupid pressers get stupid replies...” but then....This is a grown-ass woman hitting a ball for a living. She’s not waiting on tables. She’s not some Doctor relieving a brain aneurysm. She’s not trying to feed 4 hungry kids while

The person who asked that question would not shut up to his wife last night about how it was a valid question, damnit.

Peyton’s too busy making shitty commercials that make me long for Cheryl’s She-Shed. TV was a mistake.

Why would we want to punish him further by making him live in Indiana?

His name is Brandon though

Every time I see him, I’m shocked that his name isn’t “Chad.”

Brandon Weeden looks like your older sister’s annoying boyfriend.

If only there was an unemployed QB that previously took his team to the Super Bowl available...

Is that one fella with afro and the disrespectful attitude towards ‘Merica still available?

Oh, here’s the kicker nobody else is mentioning: Hoffman’s coach left, too.

I find the fact that his name is Jay Dee but his nickname is B.J. for more offensive/questionable than the drunken brawling.

HOLY SHIT. I love the internet sometimes.

He won't say a word.

It’s darkly refreshing, like a cool sip of death.

Can I talk to you about DMT and deer meat? I’m gonna blow your fucking mind. 

Look you keep talking about his losses but all I know is at the end of the night, he finally ended a 7 fight losing streak.

Penn has had 11 loses in the last decade, with 5 coming from T/KO. I dunno...maybe that’s bad for a brains ability to do things like regulate emotion or do a risk/rewards analysis...Or maybe he ate too many GMO’s.