
This is the correct response to hazing, and I am very proud of you jeff.

How many goddamn deaths from hazing does one organization get to have on its ledger before you disband it? Because in my mind, it should be one.

Don’t you dare write off Harrison Treegoob, he’s done his best to get here and will not squander the opportunity

Do they cut power to the losing locker room after the game or did they add a Twilight filter to this video?

*side eyes SideBar*

Play Like Blah for Ja

Embiid’s facial expression gives him away too. If you make that face in the middle of getting pushed to the ground, you were waiting for it to happen.

This comment is a personal attack on my porn preferences, and I suggest you get to gettin.

Remember when his career was apparently over because he accidentally outed his teammate for cheating on his fiancee and got more crap for it than the guy CHEATING ON HIS FIANCEE?

Real talk though, he’s getting shit because he’s heading to the Lakers and their shit organization because he thinks it magically works out in LA like that, which is dumb as hell to think in today’s NBA. Nobody is saying it won’t work out for him because knowing the Lakers they could fall ass-backward into another

Hell, that man’s back has a beard

So real talk, how long until he buys the moon?

If this isn’t a perfect representation of every Raptors season in the past five years, then I’m not sure what is.

Hockey Hair is peak white confidence and it’s not even close. One of these guys is gonna rule the world one day.

I am having a war inside my heard currently above whether or not Kennard going crazy is just natural maturation in Year 2 or just an anamoly. I am also slowly convincing myself that Drummond has finally turned a corner and having more minutes next to Thon Maker instead of Blake opens his game up, and that Reggie is

We also only play one team in the next eight games that has a winning record. I see this playing out in one of two ways:

A good 10 minutes of fabulous open water play ensued, before it was hauled out of the water and towards the recreation ground. However, despite the frenetic start, this was the point where players finally slowed their pace and the game entered a slower phase.

I’d rather be dead than get my ass pinched by a broken toilet seat

Robin Lopez signed a four year contract with the Knicks and got away after one season - he dares not touch the sun.

I’d be throwing in some loaded questions to reference later like “Will you sue us if we get your head torn off on a blindside hit?”